Unique fresh cabbage: benefits and harms. Natural miracle healer from many ailments - fresh cabbage, wholesome and proper food


Cabbage can rightly be called the queen of vegetables. Due to the high productivity, unpretentiousness in cultivation, goodies and usefulness, the product takes pride of place on our table.

In Russia, white cabbage is especially popular, which is eaten both fresh and cooked or salted.

There are other types of vegetables: broccoli, red-headed, colored, sea, kohlrabi, Brussels, Beijing.

Composition of fresh cabbage

Cabbage is considered a dietary product because of its low calorie content, depending on the species, from 16 to 42 kcal per 100 grams and the high content of coarse fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, improves intestinal motility.

Fresh varieties of the product have the maximum amount of nutrients compared to processed ones. The most valuable element of cabbage is the record content of vitamin C, which is stored in it even after prolonged storage and slicing. And also other groups of priceless vitamins A, B, D, K, P, U.

The vegetable is rich in many macro and micro elements, such as:

• calcium;

• potassium;

• magnesium;

• phosphorus;

• fluorine;

• iron;

• iodine;

• copper;

• manganese.

Fresh cabbage incorporates organic acids, natural antibiotics, enzymes. The entire arsenal of useful and valuable components mentioned above is necessary for the human body to fully function and grow.

Fresh cabbage: benefits for the body

In dietetics, a proper nutrition pyramid has been developed, where vegetables are required for a daily diet for all categories of children and adults, they should be about 35% of the total share of consumed foods per day. A balanced, unique composition of cabbage is able to satisfy a person's daily requirement with the necessary substances.

The beneficial effects of cabbage on the body are as follows:

• strengthening immunity, increasing resistance to various diseases;

• reducing the risk of oncology of various etiologies, including in the female - milk, in the male - prostate gland;

• normalization of cholesterol and blood sugar;

• removal of excess fluid, waste, toxins;

• reducing the risk of cardiovascular ailments;

• cleansing the intestines and healing microflora;

• weight loss;

• improving the condition of teeth and gums;

• a calming effect on the nervous system, relieving symptoms of fatigue;

• anti-aging effect on tissues and organs.

In addition to eating cabbage, it is used as a therapeutic and cosmetic product. Cabbage juice is used as an expectorant for coughing, and, diluted in half with water, rinse the sore throat. With eczema, burns, radiculitis, headache, fresh leaves are applied to the sore spot. Shredded vegetable masks are popular for women, which will bring the effect of rejuvenation, skin cleansing. And freshly frozen juice can be used as a tonic.

Distinctive features of fresh cabbage and benefits depending on the variety

In Russian latitudes, cabbage is considered especially popular in culinary and folk medicine, but other species also have high nutritional value. The basic composition of nutrients of different varieties remains unchanged, but there are slight differences.


A close relative of white cabbage is red cabbage. It has a denser shape and a bright purple color, thanks to a special substance - anthocyanin, which increases the body's resistance to radioactive radiation. This variety has a higher content of carotene and bioflavonoids.

The vegetable does not contain fat at all, and the calorie content is only 24 kcal per 100 grams, so it is recommended for dietary nutrition at various degrees of obesity. A large amount of dietary fiber effectively reduces appetite and gently cleanses of accumulated toxins.


This type of cabbage in Russia is not grown as extensively as the white cabbage variety; it is actively sold in the markets in frozen form. Broccoli contains a record amount of protein, which in its composition is equivalent to chicken, and carotenoids help improve vision. Vegetable is a hypoallergenic product, therefore it is recommended for the first feeding of babies. Calorie content of 100 grams is only 34 kcal.


Cauliflower is fresh, the use of which is characterized by the content of twice as many valuable substances as the white relative. Calorie content of 100 grams is about 30 kcal. The vegetable has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, improves digestion, and prevents the development of cancer. Due to the high content of folic acid and B vitamins, it reduces the risk of birth defects in pregnant women. Cauliflower is remarkably absorbed by the body of adults and children, and is also recommended for the first feeding of infants.


Seaweed or kelp, brown algae grows in the seas and differs from other varieties in iodine content that exceeds the daily norm for an adult. The daily need for iodine in the adult population is 150-200 micrograms. Laminaria contains 300 micrograms per 100 grams. As you know, this microelement is necessary for the full functioning of the thyroid gland, which controls the vital processes in the body. Calorie content of 100 grams is about 24 kcal.


The calorie content of Beijing cabbage is only 15 kcal per 100 grams. In addition, it has an amazing property - during digestion, the body spends more energy than is available in the cabbage itself. In the stomach, it increases in volume, which allows you to satisfy hunger even with a minimal portion. The benefits of Beijing cabbage will be apparent with gout, hepatitis, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease. As a therapeutic product, it is prescribed for obesity of all degrees, diabetes, neurosis, heart ailments, hormonal disorders.

Does fresh cabbage have any harmful properties?

Any product with excessive consumption can be poisonous to the body.

Despite the whole range of unique beneficial properties of fresh cabbage, it is contraindicated in:

• individual intolerance;

• digestive disorders;

• pancreatitis;

• diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation;

• problems with teeth (inability to chew thoroughly);

• Breastfeeding, to prevent colic in the baby.

During pregnancy, eating cabbage fresh to the detriment can only be at unreasonable doses. If there are no serious prohibitions from a doctor, then a miracle vegetable will only benefit mother and baby.

Important! It is not recommended to eat the stalk of white cabbage, since a large amount of nitrates and other harmful substances accumulate there.

It should be remembered that due to the high content of dietary fiber in cabbage, it can cause flatulence, intestinal colic. Therefore, with such manifestations, you should limit the use of vegetables or eat no more than 200 grams per day.

If there are no contraindications, then for those who want to lose extra pounds with cabbage, it is important to exclude salt from the diet, use unrefined vegetable oil to fill salads, and drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day. To reduce flatulence, include fennel, dill in the menu.

Any kind of cabbage can rightly be called a unique vegetable that can solve numerous health problems of adults and children.


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