Rejuvenating face masks in 30 years - we protect youth! Available recipes for homemade cosmetic masks after 30 years


Many cosmetologists advise taking care of the extension of youth from literally 25 years, since during this period the production of your own collagen and elastin is reduced. At first, no changes are noticeable, but by the age of 30, small wrinkles appear and dark shadows under the eyes do not pass even after rest. It turned out that the main thing in this case was not the cost of the cosmetics used, but the correct lifestyle and regular grooming procedures.

Basically, cosmetics in the range from 50 to 500 rubles contain almost the same components, and the price largely depends on the packaging and advertising costs. More effective cosmetics within one and a half thousand rubles are not always available, especially since such products require the use of additional hardware procedures.

Therefore, at home it is recommended to use cosmetic masks based on natural ingredients. The advantages of this method are obvious:

• only healthy and fresh ingredients,

• the opportunity to try different options and choose the most suitable,

• constant use at any convenient time,

• noticeable effect with regular use.

The main varieties of cosmetic face masks in 30 years

Depending on the individual condition, masks are for normal, for oily, for dry and aging skin, for combination. For dry skin use cosmetic oils, glycerin, liquid paraffin, natural fat-saturated products (butter, sour cream). Drying agents that are more acidic in composition (kefir, lemon pulp and others) are added to masks for oily skin.

By the method of exposure, you can prepare various cosmetic masks:

• cleansers that help cleanse pores and exfoliate old epidermal cells;

• moisturizing and nourishing - deeply penetrate and saturate skin cells with useful substances;

• tonic - improve blood microcirculation and the capillary supply of oxygen to the skin, return a healthy complexion.

Most often, vegetable oils (olive, linseed, hemp), cosmetic oils (from apricot and grape seeds, from wheat germ, cocoa butter, almond, sea buckthorn, rosehip and many others) and essential oils (patchouli, orange) are used for their preparation , grapefruit, cypress, juniper, clove, lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus). These oils are combined with each other or retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E) are added.

Other natural substances and products are also used: glycerin, petroleum jelly, gelatin, hydrogen peroxide, starch, soda, dried and boiled cereals, spices (turmeric, red pepper), dairy and sour-milk products, honey-containing products, fresh juices, vegetables and fruits, greens, phyto harvests, herbal decoctions. Before applying the mask, make sure that there is no allergic reaction to its components. To do this, apply a little prepared composition to the wrist or elbow bend and look at the reaction after a few minutes. If redness or burning does not appear, then you can apply the cooked mask to the face.

Methods of applying masks to the face in 30 years

Anti-aging masks are washable and indelible, that is, they are left until completely absorbed and, after half an hour, decorative cosmetics are used. Rinse off masks with a cotton swab with a cleanser or wash your face with warm water, after which after 20-30 minutes you can also use basic cosmetics.


Advice! Oily and fat-containing products that do not need to be washed off can be applied to the elbow and knee bends, since these areas are most exposed to the external environment, so the skin on the elbows and knees quickly coarsens.


Masks are applied to a cleaned, washed face, excluding the eye sockets and lips, and are often used to apply to the neck and décolleté. The prepared composition is evenly distributed on the face with your hands or a cosmetic brush and left for 10-30 minutes. Leave-in masks based on vegetable and cosmetic oils can be used in the morning and evening instead of purchased creams.

Masks with the addition of soda, spices, vegetable and fruit pulp are applied either regularly 2-3 times a week, or in intensive courses for 5-7 days, twice a month. For the preparation of vegetable and fruit masks, it is better to use fresh seasonal fruits or juices, since the concentration of nutrients in frozen products is much lower.

Recipes for the preparation of cosmetic masks after the age of 30

I. Cosmetic masks with glycerin: This is an artificially obtained product in the process of oil refining, and a viscous transparent liquid is formed, which mixes well with other substances. Glycerin has increased hygroscopic properties, therefore it is able to maintain and retain moisture in the deep layers of the epidermis.

Nutritious mask with retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E)

2 ml of glycerin (1/4 tablespoon), 2 tablespoons of vegetable or cosmetic oil (olive, linseed, hemp, sea buckthorn), 1 capsule of vitamin A, 1 capsule of vitamin E or the finished preparation "Aevit".

Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the prepared face and neck along massage lines, the remaining mixture can be applied to the chest, hands and wrists, this composition gives the nails a shiny and well-groomed appearance.

Firming mask with gelatin and vitamins

Gelatin base: 1 teaspoon of gelatin pour 0.5 cups of boiled water, after 30-40 minutes put in a water bath and stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. Add 10 ml of glycerin and capsule vitamins to the resulting solution as desired.

Anti-inflammatory mask with pharmacy chamomile and honey

1 bag of chamomile or 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials for 0.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 40-45 minutes, strain, add 1 spoon of glycerin, 1 spoon of honey. It can be used for wiping or left on the face until completely absorbed. The finished mixture in closed form can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Mask

tablespoons of glycerin, 1/2 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide 3%, 1/2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice. Apply to the face for no longer than 20 minutes, no other cosmetic preparations should be used within an hour after this.

Fruit pulp glycerin mask

Wash, peel and grate or grind any fruits and berries (kiwi, strawberries, apples, citruses, any seasonal berries) in a blender, add 1/4 tablespoon of glycerin to 1 tablespoon of fruit pulp, apply evenly on face and rinse with water after 20-30 minutes.

II. Cosmetic masks with starch: It is obtained from potato tubers or some varieties of corn. Starch contains useful dietary fiber, vegetable proteins that promote cell regeneration, vitamins and minerals. Starch masks reduce wrinkles, tighten the skin and make it more elastic.

Anti-aging mask with sour cream and sea buckthorn juice

1 spoon of starch, 1 spoon of juice, 1 spoon of fat sour cream. Freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice mixed with starch and sour cream, leave the mask for 20 minutes.

Nourishing mask with milk and rosehip oil

1 spoon of starch, 1 spoon of cosmetic oil, 2 tablespoons of boiled or pasteurized milk. Mix starch and oil, add milk, apply for 20-25 minutes and rinse.

Baking Soda Cleansing Mask

1 tablespoon of starch, tablespoons of soda, 2 tablespoons of cosmetic oil. Mix all parts and apply for 15-20 minutes, rinse and use oil or regular creams.

Mask with sea salt and egg white

1 spoon of starch, 1 spoon of fine sea salt (crush in a mortar), 1 egg white. Beat egg white with a fork until smooth, add starch and salt, apply for 10-15 minutes.

III. Cosmetic masks with turmeric: a common seasoning bright yellow in powder form, which contains many vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Peeling mask with kefir and oatmeal

tablespoons of turmeric, 1 spoon of kefir, 1 spoon of ground oatmeal or Hercules groats. Mix all the products and leave the prepared mixture for 15-20 minutes, after half an hour apply a suitable cream.

Mask with curd for aging skin

tablespoons of turmeric, 1 spoon of fat cottage cheese, 1 spoon of milk or cream. Stir, apply a curd mask for 25-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Mask with mustard powder and olive oil

1/2 spoon of turmeric, 1/2 spoon of mustard powder, 1 spoon of oil. Mustard powder contains fatty acids, essential oils, pectin, which has a very beneficial effect on the skin condition. Mix, apply for 20 minutes, the mask has a slight warming effect.


Watch the video: All-Natural Anti-Aging Beauty Routine (July 2024).