Is kefir mushroom a gift from Tibet to the whole world or a useless thing? The benefits and harms of homemade kefir made with the help of a mushroom


Kefir mushroom has been cultivated by man for many years. For the first time, Tibetan monks took up the reproduction and use of kefir mushroom, who noticed that the use of kefir favorably affects people's health.

From Tibet, the mushroom came to India, and then to Europe, where it was appreciated.

Kefir mushroom is ...

Small clusters of milky white, gelatinous grains. Each grain is a symbiotic group of Zoogley bacteria and yeast. Together, they agglutinate in the tuber, forming a dynamic, vibrant ecosystem that is held in place by a matrix of proteins, lipids and polysaccharides. When processed with milk, the mushroom forms a product (kefir) during the day. In this case, the sugar that is contained in milk is converted to lactic acid. Such kefir is much more useful than bought in a store or fermented with ordinary sourdough.

Kefir is a probiotic food containing lactic acid bacteria. Such viable products contain living microorganisms that can survive in the digestive tract, where they benefit the host's health.

Kefir mushroom cultivation

Typically, culture is bought "with hands" or transmitted from acquaintances, but ordering is also possible via the Internet. In this case, you should read reviews about the seller and make sure that he is selling exactly what you need. Healthy kefir mushroom is very similar to fresh cottage cheese, has a milky white color. The brownish mushroom is devoid of its beneficial properties.

After purchase (usually a small amount of grains are sold), the fungus (1 tbsp. L.) Is lowered into a glass (200-250 ml) of milk. You can use another tank. But it is highly desirable that the material be glass. At room temperature, the milk will ferment per day. Then the mushroom is removed and washed under running cool (not hot!) Water. The resulting product is poured into a jar. And the mushroom is dipped in a new serving of milk. It is growing rapidly, so that soon the owner will be able to process more milk or transfer part of it to relatives or neighbors.

Remember that kefir mushroom is a living creature and must be handled accordingly. It should breathe, live at room temperature and eat fresh milk. It is important that the milk is natural and not made from milk powder. Fat content 2.5-3.2%, not boiled.

If the mushroom must be left unattended for 2-3 days, then it can be placed in a three-liter jar with milk and water (50:50). The obtained kefir can be used for cosmetic purposes: face masks and hair.

The composition of kefir

In addition to useful living organisms - bacteria and yeast, kefir is rich in minerals and essential amino acids that help the human body maintain vitality. Proteins contained in kefir are more easily absorbed by the body. Tritofan, one of the essential amino acids, is found in significant quantities in kefir. Tritofan is well known for its relaxing effect on the nervous system. Since kefir contains an abundance of calcium and magnesium, which are also important minerals for a healthy nervous system, it can have a particularly deep calming effect on the nerves in the diet. Kefir has a sufficient supply of phosphorus, the second largest mineral in our bodies, helps to use carbohydrates, fats and proteins for cell growth and energy maintenance. Kefir is rich in vitamins B1, B12 and vitamin K. The many benefits of maintaining a normal intake of vitamin B range from the regulation of the kidneys, liver and nervous system to the relief of skin disorders and increase energy levels. Kefir is easily digested, cleanses the intestines, supplies beneficial bacteria and yeast, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

The main benefits of kefir mushroom

The main contribution of probiotic products is to alleviate the symptoms of diseases associated with the human digestive and immune systems. In accordance with historical observations of scientists, the Tibetan mushroom has a number of specific, medical qualities. Its therapeutic effect has already been described hundreds of years ago. According to historical data, "Tibetan kefir mushroom allows you to quickly and painlessly treat allergies, even exceeding the results of proven methods."

It was noted that the use of kefir and probiotic products very effectively reduces the symptoms of food allergies and lowers sugar levels, as well as the level of lipids in the blood. It lowers high blood pressure. Kefir also showed a significant reducing effect in cholesterol levels.

Since kefir is such a balanced and nutritious food, its use can strengthen the immune system. Probiotics found in kefir have a stimulating effect on the immune system by strengthening phagocytes. Kefir is used to help patients suffering from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes and cancer. And the calming effect of kefir on the nervous system has benefited many who suffer from sleep disturbances, depression and ADHD.

Antioxidants such as glutathione control free radicals that cause cancer. The accumulation of free radicals in men plays a role in the development of prostate cancer. Kefir, in turn, has antimutagenic effects (decreasing glucuronidase), which can reduce the risk of colon cancer and play a role in preventing the disease.

Regular consumption of kefir can help relieve all intestinal disorders, contribute to its normal functioning, reduce flatulence and create a healthy digestive system. In addition, its cleansing effect on the entire body helps create a balanced internal ecosystem for optimal health and longevity. Kefir can also help get rid of unhealthy cravings for food. And its nutritional ability guarantees healing and wellness benefits for people in any conditions.

Contraindications and harm from kefir

For all its usefulness, eating kefir obtained at home with kefir mushroom may not be desirable for some people. First of all, those who suffer from milk protein intolerance, pregnant women, as well as children under 3 years of age fall into this category.

At your own peril and risk, kefir should be used by people who have problems with casein and yeast. In principle, theoretically, the good yeast that is contained in kefir can come into conflict with pathogens that are in the human body. In this case, it is better to conduct an experiment and see how kefir affects a single person.

At the time of use, kefir can cause some digestive disorders, loose stools, constipation or abdominal cramps.

In conclusion, it should be said that kefir mushroom is a unique creature that forms an equally unique product based on ordinary cow or goat milk. Regular consumption of kefir can strengthen the immune and nervous systems, improve the intestines, restore microflora, lower blood sugar and remove toxins from the body. Eat kefir in moderation and be healthy!


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