Rotavirus infection in adults: how to treat at home. The basics of preventing rotavirus infection in adults


Rotavirus infection is an acute infectious disease that is caused by RNA rotavirus. This virus is extremely resistant and can remain viable in the environment for more than 2 months.

In adults, the symptoms are erased, so at an early stage it is very difficult to diagnose an ailment. Intestinal flu is transmitted through contaminated products and in a contact-household way, through coughing and sneezing.

Causes of rotavirus infection in adults

The causative agent of the disease is rotavirus. It has a feature - high survivability. The virus is resistant to low temperatures and cold water. Very often they are seen in dairy foods, which is associated with an acidic environment.

The causes that provoke rotavirus in adults are carriers of the infection. This pathogen can be transmitted by sneezing and coughing, as it infects the entire mouth. Even when communicating, there is a chance of infection. Also, the virus can penetrate the oral cavity through infected water or food, dirty household items. This is due to the fact that it leaves the human body with feces. For this reason, the disease is called "unwashed hands disease."

Often outbreaks of illness appear in groups and an epidemic begins. Most cases of infection are recorded in the winter. In warm countries, the disease is common throughout the year.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults at home: nutrition

With such a disease, it is very important to adhere to a strict diet.

The first thing to do from the diet is to exclude:

• dairy products and milk porridge;

• sweets;

• spicy, salty and oily;

• carbonated drinks;

• raw fruits and vegetables.

It is recommended to include such products in the diet:

• vegetable soups;

• light broth;

• lean meat;

• stale black bread and crackers;

• semolina and rice porridge on the water;

• compotes and decoctions of blueberries;

• herbal teas;

• boiled fish;

• mashed potatoes, but at the stage of recovery.

You can eat no more than one boiled chicken egg per day. Salt intake is significantly reduced. With a decrease in diarrhea, you can start to eat buckwheat porridge, tomatoes, carrots, beets, honey, seasonal fruits. Bananas to eat in limited quantities.

This diet is difficult to follow, because you have to give up many familiar products. But only it serves as a sure path to recovery. With proper treatment and diet, the symptoms of rotavirus disappear, but you need to use probiotics in parallel.

Adult Rotavirus Infection Treatment: Symptom Management

There are no specific drugs, the impact of which is aimed at the destruction of rotaviruses. All therapeutic actions are aimed at combating the manifesting symptoms. If the patient has no appetite, then you do not need to force to eat. You can offer a drink of fruit jelly. Food, like drink, must be consumed in small portions. Otherwise, vomiting can be provoked.

In order to avoid dehydration, rehydration therapy is required. Patients need to consume a liquid, and preferably saline solutions. Saline or rehydron will be beneficial. To prepare the saline solution, a liter of water and a teaspoon of salt are needed. Take this solution in small sips of 50 ml every half hour. Intravenous administration of the drug will be needed only in a severe case of an ailment, which is accompanied by intoxication of the body. There are recipes for other solutions designed to treat the disease:

1. Soda solution. Take a liter of liquid, a teaspoon of salt and 5 teaspoons of sugar. Add a teaspoon of soda to this mixture and mix the whole solution well. Drink as well as saline.

2. Decoction of calamus, chamomile and hypericum. Mixtures of herbs to buy in a pharmacy. Pour a large spoonful of the mixture with a cup of boiling water and transfer to a small fire for a third of an hour. After cool and filter. Such a remedy relieves the inflammatory process on the walls of the intestine and will help restore water balance.

3. In case of diarrhea, an infusion of pomegranate peel will help. To prepare it, peel it over with a cup of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink in small sips throughout the day.

4. Rosehip broth. 2 tablespoons of fruit pour a liter of boiling water and place on a small fire. Cook for 10-15 minutes and then let the broth cool. Filter and drink a cup before eating. This tool will help remove all toxins. It is characterized by a diuretic effect.

With rotavirus infection, you will need to take sorbents. You can use such as activated carbon, Smecta or Enterosgel. Such remedies will help eliminate toxins from the intestines.

It is necessary to lower the temperature in case of intolerance. This is due to the fact that this virus dies in a hot temperature. To lower the temperature, use syrups or candles. In addition to the use of medications, a physical decrease in temperature is possible. This can be done by undressing or rubbing. Rubbing can be done with vinegar, diluting it with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

Rotavirus infection in adults: home treatment with alternative recipes

Treatment of the disease is most often carried out at home. Only in case of dehydration the patient is hospitalized. The specialist prescribes drugs whose action is aimed at improving the patient's condition. Also, the doctor will advise on the use of folk remedies. Rotavirus is treated with the following folk remedies:

1. Willow. Young branches need to be finely chopped. Pour a tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Drink the resulting product in 15 ml every 3 hours. It helps to cope with high temperature. But treatment must be agreed with your doctor.

2. Make antipyretic lotions on the forehead. Apply napkins dipped in water, which change as you heat.

3. Brew a teaspoon of fennel seeds in 0.25 liters of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and then take a third of a glass. The tool helps with bloating and flatulence.

4. A tablespoon of St. John's wort herb pour a glass of boiling water and put on fire for a minute. Leave for half an hour and then filter and dilute with water. The color of the infusion should be like that of tea. Drink half a glass before eating. This tool helps to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended that treatment be carried out until all symptoms of the disease disappear.

5. At high temperature, cook antipyretic tea from raspberry branches, viburnum berries and linden flowers. To improve the effect, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of honey and squeeze the juice from the lemon.

6. Brew a tablespoon of chopped oak bark in 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for half an hour and drink a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Helps deal with the symptoms of diarrhea.

These recipes are not difficult to prepare, but the effect of them is very high.

Treatment of rotavirus infection in adults at home: preventive measures

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from such a disease, there are several preventative measures:

1. Quality and Washed Products. In order to become infected, you need to constantly monitor the quality and purity of the purchased products. No need to drink tap water. Vegetables and fruits must be washed thoroughly.

2. Be sure to eat before eating to wash hands. It is also mandatory to wash your hands after using the toilet.

3. Vaccinations. Two vaccines have been developed that are taken orally.

4. After recovery, be sure to disinfection of the room.

In order not to infect loved ones, it is necessary to negate contacts with other people. A separate room should be allocated. Constantly do wet cleaning and ventilate the room. If it is not possible to avoid contact, then be sure to wear a mask, pressing it to the chin. The patient should have strictly his own dishes, which should be stored separately from another. Also, a sick person should have a separate bed and towel.

If all the rules are followed, you can not infect others and do not endanger yourself. Timely treatment usually leads to a quick cure of the patient. After recovery, a person does not experience complications.


Watch the video: What is Rotavirus? Viral Infection in Infants & Children (June 2024).