What is the use of dori fish, one of the most delicious seafood? Dori fish introduced into the diet: what harm can it cause


Since ancient times, it is known that fish dishes in the weekly menu are not only tasty, but also very useful. Every fish is good in its own way, but there are species whose taste and nutritional properties are at a special level.

What is the use of dori fish, what is it and how is it eaten

Most of the catch of dori fish from the Solnechnik family belongs to the species smooth dori or black oreo dori. Less commonly, you can buy a silver dory (it's a mirror or royal dory). Doris mainly import New Zealand and Australia, but the sunflower habitat covers as many as three oceans - the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian.

Dory fish goes on sale gutted and headless. The absence of it is just a gift for culinary specialists, because the dory looks terrifying because of its deep-sea lifestyle - bulging eyes and a huge toothy mouth of the ingredient - this hardly helps to stimulate appetite in the process of cooking.

One carcass weighs 0.5-1.5 kg. Small fish is cooked whole, portioned, large - sorted into pieces of fillet. It is convenient to carve a sunflower - there are no scales and almost no bones.

The dori meat is white, compacted, somewhat reminiscent of the taste of halibut and can be deliciously tasty no matter how you cook it - you can boil it for the first dish, salad or pasta, stew, bake, fry.

100 g of steamed dori meat contains about 85 kcal, 100 g of baked fillet - 95 kcal, fried - 115 kcal.

Even those who are on a diet to lose weight can not indulge in dishes from sunflower. Moreover, the average portion (200 g) of dory dishes covers 25% of a person's daily need for fats and 50% of the required proteins. And this protein is digested even better than red meat of animals and poultry. Add to that a decent protein content and it turns out that dory in a balanced special diet can also help build muscle.

A fair amount of protein affects the normalization of blood glucose levels, so the benefit of dory fish is also that it prevents the onset of diabetes.

Omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for the healthy functioning of the entire human body, are contained in the dory filet in an amount sufficient to reduce blood cholesterol and reduce the risks of strokes and heart attacks.

It is known that every fish is useful for female beauty and dori - no exception. Enriching the daily menu with fish dishes in a few weeks leads to a noticeable result - the skin becomes cleaner, it shines, wrinkles are smoothed, hair growth and shine are enhanced, as well as the strength of nails.

How minerals increase the benefits of dori fish

The composition of dori is characterized by mineral elements inherent in many seafood, but individual "details" in this fish, due to the high content and special compatibility with each other, have a special positive effect on the human body.

iodine and fluorine, which are absorbed especially well when seafood is ingested, contribute to the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, preventing the occurrence of malignant neoplasms in it;

iron directly affects the production of hemoglobin in the blood, and in addition, it captures the influence of B vitamins, contributing to their full digestibility;

copper in importance directly adjoins the iron, being involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin;

potassium, chlorine and sodium are necessary for water-salt metabolism, their consumption in dory fish meat helps to reduce various edema;

zinc increases resistance to various diseases of the reproductive system;

phosphorus, magnesium and calcium are involved in the formation of the human skeletal system, including teeth, and contribute to its maintenance in a healthy, strong state, and in case of damage, for example, fractures, accelerate recovery.

How Vitamins Affect Dory Fish

Dori dishes can be safely included in the seasonal spring-autumn menu, when there are high risks of vitamin deficiency, and at any time of the year in general, the vitamin complex from the fillet of this fish will be extremely useful.

A (carotene) acts as a fat breaker and has the properties of an antioxidant, which means that with its entry into the body along with dori fish meat, the harm from the negative effects of adverse environmental factors, including radiation, is significantly reduced;

E (alpha-tocopherol) improves the distribution of oxygen to all tissues, protects against blood clots, has beneficial effects on reproductive functions;

PP (niacin) stimulates the removal of metabolic products from the body, facilitates the negative manifestations of arthritis, including pain;

C (ascorbic acid) reduces inflammatory processes and allergic reactions, maintains immunity in the fight against viral diseases, and regulates blood coagulation to normal rates;

K (phylloquinone) enhances blood coagulation, accelerates tissue regeneration, renews the liver, supporting its work;

N (biotin) prolongs youth and normalizes carbohydrate metabolism;

B1 (thiamine) stimulates the metabolic process in the body, supports the nervous system, activates intellectual activity, including the scope of assimilation of new information;

B2 (riboflavin) has a positive effect on adrenal function, is involved in the synthesis of nerve cells, protects the eyes (retina) from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;

B5 (pantothenic acid) emphasizes the importance of all other vitamins, contributing to their absorption and accelerates cell regeneration;

B6 (pyridoxine) is useful to the immune system, has a good effect on the heart and blood vessels;

B9 (folic acid) has a positive effect on sleep, stimulates appetite, reduces daily fatigue, improves mood.

When is Dory Fish Still Beneficial?

Dory fish is worthy to be in the diet not only for diseases, but also for symptoms that sometimes, for the time being, do not attach much importance.

fatigue as a result of mental activity;

sleep disorders caused by both a shift in sleep and wakefulness modes, and a change in time zones;

fatigue and a feeling of fatigue as a result of intense physical exertion.

Is there any harm in dori fish and how safe is it

Any harm from dori fish on an everyday table should not be expected. But, like any product, it can cause an individual allergic reaction. However, due to the unique composition of dori, this probability is extremely small compared to other seafood.

It is important not to confuse the present dori when buying with another species - the so-called cream dori fish. It is not only far from the Solnechnik family, but even more so - it comes from fish farms in Southeast Asia, where it lives in artificial reservoirs along with pangasius. The fake dori fish is not at all useful, but it doesn’t compare with the present dori.

Inhabited at great depths (over 800 m), the aureores are not affected by harmful substances that pollute the ocean as a result of human activity. So, it is rightfully considered one of the most environmentally friendly seafood.

So this fish, without any doubt, can be used with great benefit even pregnant women and children in the diet.


Watch the video: 9 Kinds of Fish You Should Never Eat (June 2024).