Dog ration: what is possible and what is not? Useful tips for natural puppy feeding


The health of a beloved pet is directly dependent on the diet. Natural nutrition, unlike industrial feed, is considered more balanced and healthy.

General feeding rules

You need to understand that natural food for humans is not suitable for feeding dogs. Do not give the animal what is left after dinner. Dog food should be prepared depending on the needs of the body. Whichever feeding option you choose, your pet should always have water that needs to be changed every day. And in the hot period several times a day.

Feeding should be on schedule. It all depends on the age of the animal. Puppies must be fed up to eight times a day, and an adult three times. The feeding schedule should be adjusted, taking into account the state of health, during pregnancy and during lactation. Veterinarians recommend feeding the dog after a walk. This is due to the fact that increased mobility and the special structure of the gastrointestinal tract can cause intestinal torsion. If the animal has developed the habit of emptying only after a full meal, the walk should be calm. High activity is acceptable one hour after a meal.

The diet should be meat, dairy products, bran, fruits, vegetables. The menu should be based on animal protein. Natural food does not need to be heat treated, because under the influence of high temperatures, most of the necessary substances will be destroyed. You also need to remember that everyone has an individual organism. The diet of the dog should be shaped according to needs.

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Natural feeding should be organized so that the maximum benefit for the body. Any mistake can cause various health problems.

Dog Meat

Meat products should form the basis of the diet. It is advisable to feed with different meat. These are beef, lamb, rabbit, horsemeat, meat offal, poultry. There is no need to buy meat of the first grade. By-products are also excellent, provided that the body tolerates them well. It is important that the meat is not too fat. For this reason, it is not recommended to feed the dog pork.

You can feed poultry meat and their offal, but individually. You need to consider how the digestive system and skin react to food. It is not recommended to include a chicken leg in the menu. Meat products must be raw. No need to make minced meat from them. Simply cut into pieces and pour over boiling water, heat treatment is not needed.

Is fish good for dogs

Fish is allowed for dogs from five months. It should be boiled, preferably fatty and boneless. Suitable raw ocean or sea fish. You can not feed smoked fish and raw river fish, which can be dangerous helminths. You can buy a frozen product. Fish that can be included in the dog’s diet: pollock, trout, pike perch, halibut, sea bass and others.

It is advisable to feed the dog fish twice a week. Do not mix it in one serving with meat.

Vegetables, fruits and cereals

You can feed the dog with almost all vegetables. These are cucumbers, beets, pumpkin, bell pepper, zucchini and so on. Useful and greens: dill, lettuce, parsley. It is advisable to give vegetables and greens to the pet in between feedings, previously chopped. But if you want, you can mix with meat.

But you can’t overfeed the dog with sweet fruit. The safest fruit is a green apple, in which there is a lot of vitamin C. In a small amount, you can also give kiwi, papaya, bananas, melon, persimmon. But pampering citrus fruits, grapes, pomegranates, peaches, quinces, cherries, cherries is not recommended.

Cereals are a source of carbohydrates. Therefore, cereal soups with vegetables, cooked on meat broth, are considered nutritious. You can give buckwheat, oatmeal, rice. Useful and bran, which contain a large amount of fiber.

Sour-milk and other acceptable products

The diet of the dog should include fermented milk products. Among which: kefir, yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese. Yoghurts must be natural, without fruit and other additives. The fat content of these products should be no more than nine percent. But everything is individual. In someone, cottage cheese with a fat content of more than two percent can cause loose stools. However, fat-free products are also not recommended.

Puppies and adults can be given raw eggs that contain a lot of vitamins and protein. Different types of oils can be included in the dog’s meat nutrition: linseed, olive, unrefined sunflower.

What is not recommended for dogs

If you feed your pet with prohibited foods, the dog may have health problems, the risk of developing allergies increases.

Products that are contraindicated:

meat whose origin is unknown. The risk of contracting parasites and helminths increases;

river fish, which may also contain different types of parasites;

skim dairy products;

chocolate and other sweets. A large amount of glucose is harmful to the eyes. They watery and begin to fester. Also, sweets negatively affect the liver;

tubular bones. If you feed the dog with brittle bones from the table, they can injure the digestive tract;

citrus fruits that can cause allergies;

legumes. They negatively affect the digestive system;

smoked and salted products;

spices and spices;

almond. It is not recommended to give nuts to dogs. And almonds are the most harmful of them. Although a couple of pieces will not lead to serious problems, the digestive system is not adapted to their digestion;

potatoes that can cause diarrhea;

yeast dough;

alcoholic drinks;





products containing caffeine.

The diet of the dog should be full and balanced. It is important not to overfeed your beloved pet. It should be remembered that the body of each animal is individual. And if there is any doubt about a product, it is recommended to consult a competent veterinarian.


Watch the video: Puppy Food and Water Tips (June 2024).