Libra is your worst enemy! Paradox: when losing weight, do not attach particular importance to the numbers on the scales


The main mistake of losing weight women is that they consider kilograms to be their enemy. Of course, when a certain weight is reached, this becomes true: it is difficult to ignore body weight when it has exceeded a centner.

However, most often the battle is waged with the very extra three kilograms that do not want to leave. And poor women suffer, refuse salt, look with suspicion even at a glass of water, because it weighs as much as two hundred grams. In fact, everything is much simpler.

The ratio of muscle and adipose tissue in the body

In a normal healthy body, there is certainly a certain amount of fat. Women are doomed to have more adipose tissue than men - so nature ordered. For women under the age of about thirty, the norm is a gap of 13-18% of adipose tissue of total body weight. You can compare - for a man of the same age it is 6-14%. Of course, a lot depends on the type of physique, state of health, height, age, type of work, level of physical activity, so the numbers should be considered indicative, this is not a dogma.

With dietary weight loss, not only the hated body fat is reduced, and this must be taken into account. The amount of muscle mass is also reduced, the body is trying to “fire” nutrient consumers in order to maintain an acceptable level of vital activity. Because of this, the effect of "skinny bbw", skinny-fat.

What exactly do your scales show?

Actively losing weight ladies prefer to weigh themselves in the morning, after a visit to the toilet. The figure on the scales can please, or it can be horrifying, and a meticulous calculation begins which particular cunning cucumber eaten yesterday was so nutritious.

Do not be so horrified, scales show the total weight of your entire body, along with water, which for various reasons did not want to be excreted by the kidneys. And the worst thing is, if the diet is impeccable, sporting achievements are encouraging, and the scales ruthlessly state: there is no plumb line, you have recovered, dear. Dip it all - and now for lunch croissants and sweet latte. There’s no plumb line anyway! This is where the main error lies, because the scales only show the total mass. They will not show how much fat they managed to burn. Where did the extra pound come from?

First of all, it is water. If, of course, the losing weight lady in despair did not deprive herself of salt. Water can linger before menstruation, there's nothing to be done. And the muscles are significantly heavier than fat, and here lies the main secret of losing weight.

Volumes or kilograms?

It is better to control the process of losing weight not by weighing, but by regular measurements. This will require a tailor's meter. Changes are especially noticeable if you add exercise to the diet.

Growing muscles require building material, they also consume calories. At the same time, muscle tissue takes up approximately two times less space than body fat. With an equal volume, the muscles weigh more, so it turns out that the process of body restructuring is in full swing, the volumes are decreasing, and the scales can dejectively show slight fluctuations plus or minus a pound.

You can measure the waist, hips, hip circumference at the widest point. If there are active power loads, then a temporary slight increase in volume is possible - this is normal, just a small edema, after which positive dynamics necessarily begins. Leave the scales alone and switch to measurements, this will improve the mood and add enthusiasm, and the usual jeans will soon become too big.


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