Ambulance with bruises (folk methods). How to make a potato lotion, can it do without a bruise?


Mankind literally divided into 2 camps, where one half promotes traditional medicine and sees nothing bad in its practice, the other represents a fierce opposition for one reason or another: it doesn’t work, it’s not so effective, it’s hard to find, side effects and much more . But who is really right or is there a middle ground?

Real recipes and myths about folk remedies

Before trusting any kind of folk or drug treatment and their magical properties, you should turn to the composition and study the benefits and harms, as well as the direct effect of certain components on the body.

Potato lotions or why does starch relieve irritation and redness?

And the matter is not at all in the root crop itself, but in the starch contained in it. Potato starch has beneficial effects on damaged tissue. Such a tool is also useful in case of thermal burns to prevent the formation of blisters on the injured area of ​​the skin.

What's the secret?

1. High content of vitamin C, which is responsible for the accelerated regeneration of damaged cells, and is also responsible for the inhibition of processes that generate free radicals. In simple words, it does not allow a bruise or hematoma to “creep” over the skin.

2. The anti-inflammatory vitamin B1 soothes irritated tissues, and B6 prevents fungal infections from settling in an open wound.

3. Starch of plant origin is actively used in medicine as a lifting agent, hence the rapid healing and smoothing of the dermis.

Note. For cosmetologists, the content of other “B” (niacin, pantothenic acid), “E” (tocopherol, which is responsible for skin elasticity) and trace elements (for example, iron, potassium) is also important. When treating bruises, a person thinks about this last but not least, however, the remedy has a positive therapeutic effect.


1. A simple but effective way is the mass of grated raw potatoesevenly distributed over the injured area of ​​the dermis. Such a compress is left for half an hour, after which it can be washed off mono with water at room temperature.

2. Alternatively, you can use potato starch: Apply and evenly distribute starch onto a bandage or gauze dressing, fix on the body and leave for several hours.

3. Ointment for bruises and sprains: starch, glycerin and tar mix in a ratio of 30: 5: 4. With proper storage, the shelf life of the ointment varies between 6-8 months.

The use of apple or table (9%) vinegar and vodka in folk medicine against bruises

The use of apple or table vinegar is possible with the elimination of high body temperature, however, use as a folk remedy for bruises is not so effective. Vinegar is able to draw heat from the body, and therefore such lotions, diluted with water at room temperature in a ratio of 1 to 2, can eliminate redness in the bruised area.

Note. With an open wound or any other scratches, it is better to abandon the use of vinegar, since it will only irritate the wounds.

As in the case of vinegar, vodka or diluted 2: 1 alcohol is able to relieve intense heat and such compresses can relieve fever in half an hour or an hour. But among other things, vodka also allows you to quickly get rid of hematomas and bruises.

The recipe for a compress is simple:

1. heat vodka to 38-40 degrees;

2. moisten a piece of cloth or a gauze bandage folded into several layers in hot liquid;

3. put on a bruised place;

4. cover over with plastic wrap;

5. Secure with a patch or elastic bandage.

It is recommended to walk with such a compress for at least 5 hours, ideally - leave it overnight. By morning, the place of the bruise will become less painful, and the bruise will become less bright.


Every child from a young age knows about the miraculous properties of plantain. Plantain juice relieves swelling and pain, removes hematomas. The leaves of the plant contain vitamin C, which is responsible for the regeneration of the skin, as well as a full range of microelements, including carotene, potassium, a high content of citric and oleic acids, which are responsible for accelerated regeneration, removal of the inflammatory effect, itching and redness.

There are two ways to treat bruises with a folk remedy:

1. The use of plant juice.

2. The use of plant leaves.

In the first case, it is used:

• leaves and stems of plantain (juice);

• distilled water;

• fixing bandage.

The ingredients are mixed in a glass or ceramic dish in a ratio of 3 (plantain juice): 1 (water). In the resulting solution, moisten a small piece of tissue, squeeze out excess moisture and apply to a bruised area for 10 minutes. For convenience, it is recommended to fix the compress with a gauze or elastic bandage.

The second method of treating bruises is familiar from childhood:

• plantain leaves;

• fixing bandage.

The first thing to do is rinse the leaves with dust. It is especially necessary in the presence of open wounds and abrasions, in order to prevent infection and the development of fungal lesions and suppuration. It is also necessary to cleanse the skin around the formed hematoma as much as possible if there are abrasions on the damaged dermis. The freshly torn leaf of a plantain must be rubbed with your hands in order for the juice to come out. Next, an impromptu compress is applied to the damaged area and secured with a bandage twisted from gauze thread or other analogues. In order for the blood to stop, it is enough to hold for about 5-10 minutes, but in order to achieve a greater effect and remove part of the bruise, it will be necessary to replace the plantain leaf several times with fresh.

Top 4 incredible folk remedies for bruises

Using banana peel in folk medicine, it may seem another fictional myth, however, as medical studies have shown, it is enough 3 times a day for 10 minutes to apply a banana peel with the inside to the site of the bruise and hematoma will resolve twice as fast. It's all about the composition of the banana peel, which contains a rich supply of minerals such as potassium and manganese, which are responsible for the lifting effect and dehydration.

Note. Due to its beneficial properties, banana peel is also a wonderful analogue of teeth whitening along with strawberries and strawberries.

Different types and varieties of oils (including ethereal) is another amazing way to deal with redness and get rid of a bruise that has spread around the bruise in a matter of days. It is enough to wipe the skin several times a day with a cloth moistened with oil and the effect will not take long. Contraindications can be made as personal intolerance to any kind of oil, and the presence on the skin of any unhealed damage.

The consequences of bruises will help to cope with the usual laundry soap. In household stores, it is sold for a penny, while in the first-aid kit of folk remedies it must be present. The whole thing is in the composition - about 70% is assigned to the content of fatty acids in the composition, which play an important role in the restoration of the dermis. Laundry soap copes well with germs, which, in combination with egg yolk and a small amount of water, is a disinfectant and sedative.

Note. Laundry soap is used for washing people with problem skin with a pronounced shine. But it is worth considering that in the presence of diseases such as dermatitis, eczema and the like, the use of tar soap should be discarded - it dries the skin, which in the case of the above skin diseases will give a side effect (deterioration of the skin condition, new formations of dried areas, rashes and redness).

Cabbage - This is not only a low-calorie product, but also a tool that removes edema, redness and pain from bruised areas. To do this, you need young cabbage, namely healthy, not wilted leaves. Before applying the cabbage leaf to the injury site, you need to stretch the leaf with your hands so that the cabbage juice comes out. And then fix it with a tape, elastic bandage or gauze bandage. To improve the therapeutic effect, medical experts recommend mixing 100 ml of cabbage juice with a teaspoon of honey, applying to the damaged area, wrapping it with polyethylene and leaving the improvised compress for half an hour.


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