The meaning of the name Nikita: where did the name come from and what does it promise the child. The nature and fate of Nikita


Each name is unique in its own way. Each person named with a name is also unique. The meaning of the name Nikita. The main characteristics of the name.

What does the name Nikita mean

Nikita is the winner. A man who is not used to retreating and waiting for luck to face him. Nikita decides when and what will happen in his life. He is not used to just asking for help.

The meaning of the name Nikita came from the ancient Greek goddess Nika. Thanks to this, boys from the name of Nikita from an early age strive to be leaders in everything, strive to win, to find only the positive in all situations.

The origin and history of the name Nikita

The name Nikita has ancient Greek roots and characterizes its owner as a purposeful, formed personality. In ancient Greece it was believed that the gods themselves patronize Nikita, that he is under their strong protection.

In the year, Nikita has several name days. According to Christian tradition, Nikita celebrates the day of the angel on the seventeenth of April, the sixth of June, the twenty-eighth of September. The zodiac sign that patronizes a man is the twins.

He gives Nikita endurance and at the same time - sensuality. But, with some Nikits it is very difficult, a certain proportion of duplicity, the desire to be both good and bad at the same time, is manifested in them.

The planet that gives Nikita energy is Mercury. She gives a man’s heart a passion and a desire to win. Therefore, in life he gets used to achieve everything very quickly and easily. Sometimes Nikits are even over-hot-tempered when Mercury has special power over other luminaries.

The origin and history of the name Nikita determines that the most suitable color for him is purple. The plant that will become a charm for him is a bell. The hedgehog is considered the patron of a man, but by himself, he rarely, when he releases thorns, is offended and angry. Nikita is very resourceful. Pomegranate will become a talisman for a man. This stone will give him a sense of peace and protection.

The nature and fate of Nikita

Nikita is very kind and complaisant if the question does not concern his personal space. He really wants to be the first and irreplaceable and often he succeeds. Of the positive character traits, it is worth noting:

• Purposefulness;

• independence;

• Speed ​​of decision making;

• Love for patronage, guardianship.

Where Nikita quickly makes decisions - there he already decided everything for himself. He is not in a hurry in those issues that are not yet clear to him, in which he doubts, but he is very active in those situations where all decisions have already been made.

The nature and fate of Nikita determine its negative aspects:

• stubbornness;

• Categoricality;

• Laziness.

Yes, Nikita, especially in childhood, can be lazy and somewhat stubborn, especially if parents have the imprudence to shout at him. Shouting from a boy, you obviously will not achieve anything. He understands only a calm conversation.

Nikita is often mobile in games, but can sit for a long time at one thing and peer into the landscapes pleasant to him. Outsiders may consider this a rather complaisant disposition of the child, although, in fact, Nikita is not obedient, it’s just more convenient for him at this time.

Nikita can often have conflicts with her father, if he will show himself somewhat tyrannical in relation to his son. Nikita does not tolerate hypocrisy and longs for recognition. It is very important for him to be in demand even at a very young age.

The mother may complain that communication with the child takes almost all of her free time and she does not have time to pay attention to herself and pressing family problems. Nikita is a favorite boy of his grandmothers. The child seems very smart and smart to them. They always try to cuddle him, feed him.

But do not spoil Nikita too much. He can turn into an excessively pampered and very selfish teenager. In order that parents can arouse respect in Nikita, they should constantly talk with their son, argue their innocence, but not go to a cry.

From an early age, Nikita may be interested in sports. He will choose a mobile, team sport. It is important for him to remain a leader, in many respects superior to colleagues and partners. In art, Nikita will reach tremendous heights. He will be able to realize himself as a poet, writer, publicist.

It is very important for him to be a high-class specialist, but he clearly knows in which direction he wants to develop. Therefore, at school, he can pay particular attention to one subject and have little interest in others.

Nikita with her independence and determination often causes envy among others. They try to offend Nikita, unbalance him, to prove that he is not so strong morally. Often, Nikita proudly defeats enemies.

He does not enter into empty disputes, but if he is confident in his rightness, he will not back down. Nikita loves chess and checkers. He really likes to compete. It is important for him to feel like a winner and not think about the fact that he might someday lose.

Parents should not be allowed to close Nikita in himself, otherwise he will become simply uncontrollable. He will often be offended and upset. She will try to prove with all her cry that he is worthy of respect and attention.

Nikita has few true and sincere friends. But they are faithful to him to the end. They respect him and perceive him as if he were their own person. Nikita can keep in touch with her childhood friends until she is old.

What does the name Nikita mean in work

Nikita can improve his business quite quickly. It is enough for him to rely on his own intuition and not allow anyone outside to participate in his own investments. Nikita can develop hidden talents. He can suddenly stop enjoying the work in a large company and open his own business.

Sport for Nikita is very important. He can completely devote his life to sports. If parents begin to instill in their son sports skills from an early age, he will become a champion. But you should not combine a lot of activities for Nikita. It is important for him to decide on one main thing.

Nikita can become a real specialist in journalism, can strive to get on television. A TV show for him is an important way to realize himself. If Nikita fails to reveal and realize her own talents several times, he can become withdrawn and evil. Then the relatives will have to re-seek his location for a long time.

The meaning of the name Nikita and his personal life

With Nikita in my personal life is very difficult. He madly loves and respects his mother, but he will not feel the proper emotions for his wife. He will be more focused on himself and his needs. It is important for him, first of all, that there was a beautiful woman nearby and no feelings for her.

Nikita is realized due to the beauty and success of her partner, he grows in everything thanks to a loving woman next to him. Nikita is prone to betrayal, because she loves herself very much and believes that few women deserve his constant attention to herself.

Nikita has good taste and the women whom he chooses as a companion of life - they immediately dream of a wedding and try to persuade Nikita to her. The man is in no hurry to legitimize the relationship. If he has an early child, he will not immediately marry his mother. But he will help in family matters.

Nikita can be married several times and divorced several times. It is difficult for him to deny himself such pleasure as a full-fledged sexual life. But, if a woman does not reciprocate with Nikita, he can persistently pursue her for a long time. He is not used to being denied.

If Nikita decided to marry and children appeared in the marriage, he is unlikely to break the union, but he can cheat on his wife. In order to avoid cheating, a wife should pay a lot of attention to her husband. Praise and support him often. Do not forget about him, even if she has a huge amount of household chores.

Nikita is a good host and loves to have everything in his house. He loves when there is a lot of free space in the house, therefore, he will strive to provide his household with a huge living space.

Nikita tries to spend all his free time with his family only if his wife really appreciates and expects him. If the wife works more than Nikita, he will wait for her at home and take care of the children. But, he will not deny himself the pleasure of being alone with his beloved.

Friends for Nikita can be above the family, if in a relationship with his wife, he has constant quarrels. Then he will start to run to friends and then scandals at home. It is difficult to conduct a joint household with Nikita; he may be too rational in spending.

While Nikita is in love, he will shower his beloved with presents. When Nikita enters into an official relationship with her lover, he can become abruptly cold and rude. Romance can disappear forever.

If Nikita's mother does not accept his wife, he will not live in a marriage for a long time. For him, the opinion of the mother about his wife is very important. He may even criticize his beloved due to the fact that her mother does not like her.

Nikita loves to relax actively with this family. He can choose a long tour in various countries in order to promote himself and his business, or for a comprehensive holiday. Nikita has a lot of opportunities to realize herself in business, when everything is calm at home and his wife shares his financial priorities.

If his relatives are against the business that Nikita wants to open, he will go against them and do it his own way. He likes to try again and again, even if it seems impossible and unrealistic - he will prove to everyone that he is worthy of the result, this is the strength of his spirit.


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