Perfect female names: choice by zodiac sign


The name given to a person is not just a set of letters, it is a certain combination of sounds that is the carrier of vital energy, connecting with the owner of the name. This energy can have a tremendous impact on a person’s life, drastically change his destiny. Astrologers recommend choosing a name taking into account the features inherent in that zodiac sign, of which a person is a representative. A well-chosen name can turn flaws into virtues and smooth out unpleasant corners.

Listed below are the ideal female names for all zodiac signs.


Aries ladies have a lot of not the best qualities that should be edited with the help of a correctly chosen name. They are very capricious creatures, often called lazy. Frivolity is also not the most pleasant trait of women - rams.

At the same time, Aries - ladies are ambitious, sometimes selfish.

They are often irritable and unreasonable. All of the above qualities can be mitigated or corrected by choosing names such as Angelica, Lydia, Hope.

They will add to the character of Aries more tenderness, predictability, help the representative of this sign listen to her intuition, and will constantly replenish the supply of healing energy, which Aries often waste in vain.


Ladies - Taurus are distinguished by constancy, measured, able to maintain self-control in any situation. They cannot bear only one thing - moral pressure. It makes them aggressive. These are frugal, neat, wise women who lack more movement, activity in life. Therefore, the names of the girls - Taurus need to choose those that will revive them, fill them with vitality, positive and make initiative, as well as more open to the outside world. For example, Olesya, Anastasia and Ella will be most welcome.


Twin girls value diversity in everything, it is vital for them to feel the changes and to realize that they are their integral part.

Twins are risky individuals who are not afraid to experiment.

They lack responsibility, degree. To give these valuable qualities to women - Gemini will be able to these names: Margarita, Elsa, Catherine, Dina.


Crayfish are real feminine natures. They are characterized by sensitivity, tenderness, vulnerability, softness and dreaminess.

Women - crayfish are able to lead the house and create comfort in it.

They are absolutely domestic creatures. Astrologers advise parents of small crayfish to take a look at names such as Bogdana, Julia, Anita. These names will help the crayfish girls become more free, self-confident and purposeful.


Lionesses are by nature overly proud, stubborn, courageous and domineering. They must have a fashionable name with a good, majestic meaning that emphasizes their regality and importance and at the same time adds more warmth, sincerity and responsiveness to them. Ideal names like Victoria, Veronica, Angelina, Snezhana.


Virgos are very punctual, accurate, demanding of themselves and others, in addition, they are obedient, responsible, but sometimes too touchy.

According to astrologers, virgins have names with a rich history: Stanislav, Evdokia, Irina and Elizabeth.

They help girls belonging to this sign become independent, more independent and add qualities such as reasonable prudence, insight and ingenuity to the character.


Women - scales love from birth noise, fun and big company. They are charming and sociable. But the scales do not know how to focus and are extremely changeable in their tastes and decisions.

Libra does not tolerate any conflicts, does not have a stable nervous system, so the names of girls - representatives of this sign should take into account these important features. The perfect solution is Marina, Elena and Lily.


Representatives of this sign have an iron will, from an early age show their complex character. They are real manipulators.

Scorpions - ladies are great realists and categorically against any fantasies, romance, daydreaming.

Therefore, the names for girls - scorpions should soften the hard non-female character and make the image more gentle, pleasant, weakening the natural sharpness and severity. Take a look at names like Maria, Ulyana, Love, Larisa.


These are real loners who value practicality, calculation, independence. Sagittarius is always extravagant, not afraid to show themselves - real, take everything from life and conquer the world. Incredibly nimble, distinguished by dexterity, rationality and rampant.

Names for them must be sought calm, with a calming energy.

Names like Tamara, Vasilisa, Sofia, Diana.


Capricorns - girls are very stubborn, they hear only themselves. Always persistent, serious, selective. Do not tolerate lies, inconstancy. They have a pronounced self-esteem, steadily cope with any failures.

Experts advise choosing names for little girls - capricorns, where you can find an abundance of consonants.

Barbara, Karina, Daria - that is what deserves special attention.


Aquarians are curious, dreamy, extremely freedom-loving creatures. They should not be indicated; their nickname should not be forced. Aquarius - a woman herself always makes decisions and acts as she sees fit.

Many take this feature of her for waywardness. For them, it is necessary to select such names that will only emphasize the strengths of Aquarius, making them even brighter and more expressive. The following options should be considered first: Albina, Darina, Elsa, Frida.


Fishes have a rich creative potential, look at the world with a special look and can find beauty in everything. The name chosen by the fish should not weaken the above advantages, on the contrary, it should strengthen them and add more mystery, creativity, extravagance. Suitable for girls - fish names such as Isolde, Eve, Venus.

Each individual name is a whole story, an ocean of secrets and secrets that will overwhelm the owner of the name. The more peaceful, friendly and affectionate this ocean will be, the happier will be the fate of man.


Watch the video: Your Dream House Based On Your Zodiac Sign (July 2024).