A few tips for parents who want to teach their child to sleep independently.


The kid runs, jumps, plays - does not sit quietly for a second, but when it comes time to put him to bed, problems begin. Bedtime ritual drags on for a long time. Mother and child are nervous, whims, requests, tears begin. How to make so that this process was calm, and the crumb fell asleep without the help of parents?

How to teach a child to sleep independently?

It is difficult for adults to understand why a child is trying by all means to avoid daytime sleep and has difficulty falling asleep in the evening. Why does he ask not to leave him alone and finds a thousand reasons to detain parents from his crib as long as possible?

The baby wakes up the fear that they will leave him alone, that something interesting will happen during sleep, and he will miss it. Parents are trying to calm and lull the baby: they read fairy tales to him, sing lullabies. And he still puts off the moment of falling asleep and asks to give him a drink, then go to the toilet with him.

There are certain points that must be observed in order for the child to learn how to fall asleep on his own.

Sleeping Rituals:

- the most important thing is to turn off negative emotions, try to be calm, patient and follow the advice clearly;

- daily ceremonies, which are consistently performed before going to bed, will gradually set up the child to sleep;

- before bathing, you need to play a little with a baby in a calm game;

- ask the child to kiss all the family members for the night and wish them good night;

- after the bath, put the baby in the crib with his favorite toy, which will create a sense of security;

- put a pot next;

- it is desirable that a bottle of water was on the bedside table near the bed, then the child, if necessary, will be able to drink himself;

- turn on the audiobook with your favorite fairy tale so that the baby can get a charge of positive emotions before bedtime;

- In the nursery you should definitely install a nightlight that will help the little one to overcome their fears, because many kids are afraid of the dark;

- if the child is scared or upset, he should be reassured, sit beside him a little, hold her hand, stroke, kiss;

- As compensation for fast independent falling asleep, you can promise your child to prepare the most delicious dessert for him in the morning or agree to his help in cleaning the apartment, arrange a trip to the circus, to the park, to the rides. The main thing is that he took it and looked forward to the morning;

- the door to the nursery should not be tightly closed, you need to leave a small crack in order for the child to know that he is not alone, near his family.

Success depends on the confidence and calmness of an adult. If the child starts to protest, shout and demand the presence of the mother, he needs to say a few kind words. Then explain that parents would like to teach him to fall asleep on their own, because he has already grown up. He is not alone, because his best "friend" is near, and when he opens his eyes in the morning, he will make sure that Mishka or Mashka slept near him all night.

In these moments, in order to achieve the goal, parents will require tremendous patience and willpower.


Watch the video: 8 Lessons You Should Avoid Teaching Children (July 2024).