Doctors warn women to give birth from handsome men


Scientists made a curious statement: in their opinion, the quality of sperm is significantly reduced in handsome men. The fact is that an increased level of the male sex hormone testosterone, which is commonly associated with attractiveness and masculinity, can harm the production of sperm.

There is an alternative opinion: instead of a reduced reproductive function, nature has endowed this or that man with outward beauty so that he looks attractive in the eyes of women. The experiment showed that men, unlike women, rate photos of strangers as more attractive. According to psychologists, representatives of the stronger sex significantly overestimate the impact of the attractiveness of their appearance on women.

It has also been proven that people with beautiful looks are much less likely to get sick. In particular, it is said that handsome men are less likely to suffer from asthma, hypertension and diabetes. But at the same time, stronger than their less attractive tribesmen, are subject to various mental disorders, such as depression.


Olga 09/05/2016
“Why do you girls, beautiful love the most?”))). Poor beautiful men, they are all polls with complexes — they grow up without realizing their beauty, because mothers are embarrassed to praise them (boy, it’s not appropriate!), They marry the dreadful, stupid fools, and suffer afterwards.


Watch the video: Transgender Man Gives Birth to Healthy Boy: 'He's a Big Baby' (July 2024).