Protective charms


Unfortunately, not everyone in the world wants each other good. For this reason, a lot of negative attacks are made in everyday life in the biofield of every person. These attacks are carried out as ill-wishers, envious and enemies, and dark entities from the subtle world. Particularly vulnerable to such invasions are people with a biofield that has been thinned as a result of constant stress.

To avoid the consequences of a negative impact on the biofield and repel attacks from the outside - protection is needed. With the help of special conspiracies, one can form an energy barrier through which no evil can penetrate. But what defensive conspiracies are envisaged by white magic? Can you protect yourself only or does the spell extend to loved ones? Is it possible to protect a house and other movable and immovable personal property from harmful effects? What did the great Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga say about this?
Find answers to each of these questions in our article.

White magic: the strongest conspiracies and rituals

In white magic, protective conspiracies and charms from evil and enemies exist in a huge assortment. Existing spells allow the sorcerer to protect:

  • yourself;
  • own children;
  • close relatives and friends;
  • movable and immovable property.

Depending on the period of origin, white protective plots are classified as follows:

  • Pagan - conspiracies created and developed in ancient times and aimed at the call of the Higher Forces of Nature. Before performing a pagan ritual, it is recommended that you spend some time outdoors. Natural reservoirs and springs are especially charged with natural energy;
  • Prayer - conspiracies, constructed on the basis of prayer texts of the dominant world religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam). Such texts preserve the melody of prayer, appeal to God or Great saints. It is important to consider that only persons belonging to the denomination of the rite can apply conspiracies in this category. For example, if an Orthodox spell is used, the caster must be baptized. Before performing a religious ceremony, it is necessary to hold a weekly fast, visit prayer houses and undergo a repentance procedure;
  • Mixed (combined) - The result of the work of modern adepts of white magic. Combine elements of prayer and pagan conspiracies. Such spells include the legacy of the great Vanga.

Attention!White conspiracy to protect can only be considered a spell that is not aimed at causing harm to anyone. World esotericism is not recommended to get involved in black magic because of the danger associated with the challenge of dark forces and the "boomerang effect".

Self defense

The easiest way is to patch a gap in one’s own energy field, because, as they say, there is no better healer for himself than man himself. Protective conspiracies are as follows:

Rite of passage to protect man from weeds

This sacrament will not only help to form a defense against negative attacks of the biofield in the future, but in the event that a curse has already been imposed on the caster, it can be removed. The only difficulty - for this ceremony requires its own garden. Therefore, to read the considered conspiracy can villagers or gardeners. For the ritual in the period of the waning moon, it is required to cut off all the weeds from the garden, garden beds or flower beds. The collected grass is divided into 3 parts, each of which is given the shape of a cross. For 3 consecutive days, the grass is dried. On the 4th day, weeds should be burned, saying:

"As the grass dries, so does the black word in the tongue die off. As the grass dried up, so did the words dry!"

Conspiracy "Protection on Charm"

The rite is made on metal, wood or stone products. The guardian is chosen depending on what area of ​​life the witch wishes to protect. If this is a trade, a toad figure, a coin, a Buddha figure will do. The love sphere is protected qualitatively by rings, semiprecious stones (in accordance with the sign of the zodiac). As a talisman for the protection of health, it is recommended to choose an icon, a wooden ring or a red thread. In order to speak the chosen object for protection, it is necessary to keep it under your pillow for 3 nights in a row. During this time, the object begins to get used to the energy host. On the 4th day, you should take the charm in your hands, stroke it and pronounce the following plot:

"[Name of thing], I will speak with you, walk with you all over the world, show you peace and tell tales. I will hide you from burning heat, I will hide from outsiders' eyes from dark intent, from the word evil, from the look of the oblique and from the demon barefoot! In the name of the Month-Batyushka and the Earth Mother, are inseparable in a century — a man is a talisman too! "

Conspired in this way, the object should be carried with you and never part with it.

Conspiracy to protect the angel figure

For the ceremony you need to purchase a winged angel figure. You need to choose it with a soul, which one you like more - that one and buy one. At home, the statuette should be placed in a well-lit space and left there for 3 days. On the day of the sacrament, the statuette should be picked up and pronounced the following conspiracy:

"A light-winged angel flies over the earth - protects my sinful soul. Angel, Angel! Protect you from troubles, tell me where to go. If trouble is to the left, do not lead me there. If enemies are to the right, lead me away from them! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Spirit Holy, Amen! "

The plotted statuette is located in the caster's bedroom - at the head of his bed. Each time leaving the house should refer to the figure:

"Good Angel my! You and be out of the house with me! I leave my house - I invite my Guardian Angel with you."

Plot to protect against dangerth

This spell does not require a special ritual. The main condition for reading the plot is the absolute confidence of the reader in his own security. The spell is recited every morning, immediately after waking up.

The text is as follows:

"The Holy Spirit showed me the way; the dark spirit sent alarm. God protects the all-good from the evil one, sanctifies the way-path, quenishes the evil alarm. The Lord is Holy, the Lord is Strong! Give me protection Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Attention is an important feature! Performing ceremonies for personal protection from the dark forces, the caster must be in a good mood. Negatives directed into space can level the effect of a light spell or prayer. The same should be a responsible attitude to the choice of the place for the sacrament. Places with obviously bad energy — cemeteries, hospitals, hospices, former suicide dwellings, and so on — will not be suitable for such an event. Read the plot should be in a dimly lit, clean room with good ventilation. There should be no unauthorized people during the protective ceremony in the room.

Plots and charms for children

Children - especially the smallest - are most vulnerable to a negative impact on the energy field. Injured at the energy level, the child begins to hurt, becomes restless. In order to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to read conspiracies to protect children, not only for practical but also for preventive purposes.

The strongest children's protective plots are as follows:

  • Bath rite.This sacrament refers to the so-called "whispers" - short pagan conspiracies. The child soars in the bath saying: "Lada-Ladushka, mother brave, white swan, little son Lelyushka hovered, all troubles evaporated. Left Ladushka, kind mother, and my child [Name] of water to make trouble happen!";
  • Plot-protection from evil people.The spell must read the mother, escorting the child to kindergarten, school, etc. The text of the conspiracy to protect the child is as follows: "Good God! Forgive the transgressions of Thy servant [Her name], in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! The Mother of God, the Most Holy Virgin and the Goodness, descended to earth. She looked at my little child [Name of the child] and wrapped him in her hem. And in the hem of the Virgin - silence, grace, and a sweet dream. And as the Mother of God lets my child go, so she will send the Guardian Angel after him, so that neither the devil, nor the devil, nor the evil man would hurt him. and forever and ever, Amen! ". Having read the plot, the mother should sign the cross with her thrice three times, then kiss him on the forehead;
  • Spell on the button (as a protective amulet). For the ritual, the button is thoroughly washed, cleaned and sanctified with the help of a church candle (it is enough to hold it for half a minute on the flame of the temple candle). Then the fortuneteller brings a button to his lips and whispers at her: "Protect my child from the evil of the pitch, from evil people and from devils of filthy. While you are with him - the trouble is not terrible, evil speech is not terrible, Amen!" The plotted button should be sewn to the child's clothes with strong threads;
  • On a dream coming. If the child does not sleep well, you can read the following protective plot: "The guardian angel brings a dream, [Name] to the world of wonders takes the baby. It will be a sweet baby to sleep, you can see wonderful dreams. I do not dream a nightmare, I can’t do anything wrong!"

Important! Read conspiracies to protect a child under the age of 14 can only female relative. Ideally, this should be his mother, but if the mother has a weakened energy field (illness, apathy, bad mood), or she is not naturally strong in magic, the grandmother or aunt of the offspring can perform the rite. To protect the child by the age of 14 read adult protective plots.

How to protect the house?

In the practice of white magic, there are a great many conspiracies to protect your own home and property. Below are the most effective ones:

  • The simplest plot to protect the house from enemies and evil people.For the rite will need a broom or broom. Thrice overlaps the threshold of the house under a repeated spell: "I sweep away the disease, I drive it out of my illness! The eyes are beyond the threshold, the envious ones are beyond the gates, the enemies are beyond the horizon. Amen!" The garbage should be swept out of the threshold, carefully collected and thrown onto the nearest road, without entering the house;
  • Conspiracy from thieves (for a year).Simple sacrament that will help preserve valuable things stored at home, and not to let thieves and intruders out of the doorstep. During the growing moon, a white handkerchief made of natural fabric and a thin red church candle are purchased. At night, a handkerchief is hung out on the balcony or outside the window (provided that the window is open). At dawn, the shawl is removed, a candle is lit. A kerchief sweeps three times in a cross-shaped motion over the open flame of a candle (the cloth must not be burned). The following prayer text is pronounced: "As Jesus Christ walked, our Savior, from Jerusalem - and towards him - 12 brother months." Where are you going to keep the way? "- the Lord asked." Let's go to Russia baptized - protect honest people, protect them from evil. " Lord: “Go, protect the people of the baptized, turn away the thieves.” So it was not me, the servant of God [I told my own name] - so said the Holy God. That was not written by me, then by the Lord’s Finger indicated. Do not go, thief, in my yard! put your feet on my doorstep! For the Lord is with me, and his servants are faithful for 12 months! Now and ever, and forever and ever - Amen! " At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, all jewelery made of precious metal must be hidden in this kerchief;
  • Plot to protect from uninvited guests.Not everyone is happy uninvited guests. In order to turn such personalities away from the doorstep of your home, the sorcerer should read the following: "I defend myself with the Lord's Word, I distance myself from uninvited guests. Go, uninvited, go, alien, omnipresent, carrying evil! Here you are not expected - look for another shelter! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Amen!". After reading the spell is recorded on a sheet of paper and placed in a secluded place in the hallway.

Important to remember! Said defense spells must be cast without malicious intent. Otherwise, they can be attributed to black magic, the inept use of the principles of which can lead to disastrous consequences.

From Vanga

The richest esoteric heritage of the great healer Vanga includes protective rituals. The most powerful conspiracies and prayers, protection from evil and the evil eye, charms from all evils from Vanga are presented below:

  • Conspiracy to protect against failure and attract prosperityread in clear weather, the sun should not hide behind the clouds. In the process of casting a spell, it is necessary to “embrace” the sunlight, that is, to stand in front of the sun with your arms open. At the same time, a red thread should be tied to the left hand, a pectoral cross is clamped in the right hand. The text of the conspiracy is: "The sun! How you light the Earth with light - give me luck too! Just as your heat rays bring - they will protect me from adversity! From now and forever - Luck follows me! Amen!" After reading the spell, the conjurer must kneel down, raise his prayerfully folded hands to the star and say: "I thank you, Sun, for strength and energy! Thank you, Heaven, for protection and grace!";
  • Plot to protect the house from Vanga. For the sacrament will need spring water and a homemade broom made of straw and twigs. Water needs to be boiled and wait for it to cool completely. Then the liquid is poured into a transparent dish, which is placed on the floor at the feet of the caster. The caster reads the plot: "Let the spring water wash away the impurities, wash away the failure, wash away the curse. Just as the walls wash themselves - they will not cross my threshold at once." Then whisk should be dipped in the prepared water and sprinkled with it all the corners of his home;
  • Protective charm from the great prophetess.In the spring, you need to cut a few branches of mountain ash. Wang did not recommend breaking thick fruitful branches - you can not harm the tree. For the manufacture of charm quite thin rowan twigs. Chopped rowan twigs should be twisted with a green satin ribbon of the type of pigtails. At the end of the work, the design is looped around with the help of three nodes. Thus, the bracelet should turn out. Then the amulet for good luck and protection is left for some time in a place inaccessible to outsiders, until the branches are completely dry. The finished amulet can be worn as an ornament on a hand, or it can be attached to keys or a bag as a key chain. A protective amulet is valid for 12 months, after which it should be replaced;
  • Prayer-charm (prayer plot) from Vanga.To protect against dark forces, you can use the personal prayer of the great prophetess: "God evil, and here neither me nor anyone else will do any harm! Be my protection, Lord! Amen! " When this prayer conspiracy is pronounced, the caster must choose a permanent talisman for good luck and protection. The best effect is provided by precious stones and precious metals. In particular, Wang herself recognized silver as the best defense against dark forces and energies.

An important nuance!The great Vanga was very kind to the candles. In her opinion, the combination of flame and wax is the magic quintessence that attracts positive energy and breaks the spell. For this reason, consecrated church candles should be lit during any ritual to protect a person or property. Candles should be an odd number (except 13).


Watch the video: Protection Spells Using These Powerful Symbols (June 2024).