Smoking hookah provokes the development of leukemia


American scientists conducted a study aimed at identifying the effects of smoking hookah on the body, both smokers and non-smokers. It turned out that under the influence of smoke a large amount of benzene gets into the respiratory tract of a person, which doubles the risk of developing various cancers, including leukemia.

According to research, benzene is one of the most dangerous toxic elements without a safe level of exposure. That is why the smoke from the hookah, which is a source of benzene, significantly increases the risk of developing leukemia.

The study involved 208 people, half of whom smoked a hookah indoors, and half - were passive smokers - were just nearby. Thus, artificial conditions were created that can show how hookah smoking affects both smokers and non-smokers. Then samples were taken for the determination of special acids in the blood, showing the content of benzene. In smokers, this indicator was 4.2 times higher than the norm, and 2.6 times in non-smokers.

The mechanism of ingress of toxic substances into the body is as follows: for heating, and, consequently, smoking a hookah, a large amount of charcoal is needed. Inhaling the smoke from burning coal, a large amount of its combustion products - those carcinogens - get into the lungs of a person. Since, as already mentioned, benzene does not have a safe level of exposure, passive smokers are also at risk for serious illness.

This study debunks the theory that hookah smoking is a safe alternative to cigarette smoking. As it turned out, its smoke contains no less toxic substances that can provoke the development of diseases such as lung cancer, bone marrow, cardiovascular diseases and others.


Watch the video: Cigarette Peene Wali Awam (June 2024).