Why the neck and the head hurt - an actual question. It is necessary to find out the causes of the problem and ways to get rid of pains in the head and neck.


What is common between long work at the computer, unpleasant conversation with the chef, sleep in an uncomfortable position, insomnia caused by stress and a piece of cake eaten in the middle of the night? The correct answer is pain in the neck and head.

In our time - this is a fairly common problem. Almost every one of us is familiar with a headache combined with unpleasant sensations in the neck. Most often, the pain syndrome manifests itself in the morning immediately after waking up. A person waking up feels that turning the neck causes a sharp pain. Sometimes it even reaches the point that it is simply impossible to turn your head.

Most prefer to endure these unpleasant feelings, believing that they are caused by fatigue or weather factors. But the cause of the problems may not be physical exhaustion or cold and dampness. Therefore it is worth trying to figure out what is the cause of this symptom.

Why the neck and head can hurt: reasons

In medicine, the line between various diseases is sometimes insignificant. The same symptom can be a manifestation of completely different diseases. Therefore, why the neck and headache hurts, it is necessary to look comprehensively.

Possible causes of frequent neck and head pain are many. Here are some of them.

1. Cervical osteochondrosis.

Cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases of the spine, which causes a sharp pain in the head and neck areas of the body. At the same time, painful sensations in the head area are pressing and constricting. When moving, the pain becomes simply unbearable, as the vertebral artery is compressed.

Patients suffering from this disease complain of a strong aching pain in the neck, which gives to the head. Cervical osteochondrosis also causes discomfort in the temples and eyeballs, as a result of which visual acuity decreases, and "everything floats" before the eyes. When turning the head, a crunch may appear. Sometimes the pain is so strong that a person is forced to keep his head in a certain uncomfortable position.

Osteochondrosis is caused by a complex of causes, among which the main ones are genetic predisposition, the presence of excess weight, an inactive lifestyle and poor posture.

2. Injuries to the spine and musculoskeletal system

The reasons why the symptoms of neck and head pain appear are rooted in some circumstances of our life. For example, most people use public transport and regularly experience some of its “charms”. Sudden braking or acceleration may contribute to accidental impact or rotation of the torso of the passenger. This may seem to be a trifle, but after a few months, a person suddenly has headaches that give way to the neck, the cause of which is a mystery to him. And it is just the accidental blow that could damage the ligaments, muscles, intervertebral joints and even the spinal roots.

And what can we say about a car accident or a fight? They easily traumatize the neck and head. One can involuntarily damage the musculoskeletal system and the spine in an attempt to strengthen it by doing sports.

In general, do not be lazy to go to the clinic for a consultation with a specialist. After all, even a minor, seemingly trauma can lead to serious consequences. Accurately determine the reason why a person suffers from pain in the neck and head, only a professional can. And this should never be forgotten.

3. Pathology and circulatory and circulatory disorders

The culprit of why the neck and head torment the pain, can also be hypertension. It is she who often causes discomfort in the back of the head.

The same applies to atherosclerosis of the vertebral artery - the cause of the so-called cervical migraine. With this type of atherosclerosis, there is a violation of blood flow to the brain, which causes pulsating pain in the neck. A painful attack has a high intensity and resembles a migraine headache.

4. Neuralgia of the occipital nerve

Occipital neuralgia is one of the reasons why a person is plagued by pains in the neck and head. This disease brings unbearable discomfort in everyday life. There is a shooting pain in the head and neck. Very often, the pain gives to the forehead, temples and eyes.

To ease the painful pain, the head has to be tilted toward the affected nerve, since otherwise it is simply impossible to withstand the pain.

5. Physical and mental fatigue, prolonged stressful situations

Modern man can not respond to the events that occur around him. In the life of each of us, alas, there is a huge variety of adverse factors causing stress and nervous exhaustion. Emotional overloads harm not only mental, but also physical condition, causing muscle spasms that cause pain in the shoulders, neck and head. As a result, osteochondrosis may develop.

Sore neck and head: diagnostic methods

To find out why there are pains in the neck and head, you need to contact the experts. Only they can help get rid of such problems.

In particular, it is worth referring to:

a neurologist;



massage therapist;

doctor exercise therapy.

Today there are a variety of diagnostic methods. The doctor will determine which one is the most optimal for making a correct diagnosis.

First of all, it will be necessary to do blood test. Its results will show the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the body.

Blood pressure checkAs a rule, it is also important because hypertension and spinal diseases accompany pain in the neck and head.

A cardiologist will make an appointment cardiogram to identify possible cardiac abnormalities.

To exclude the presence of pathology of the cervical vertebrae, it is necessary to conduct x-ray. But today it is rarely used, because it does not provide sufficient information about their condition.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) allows you to determine the causes of the disease and its location, as well as to choose the direction of treatment.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) The internal organs also do not interfere. Certain diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the body can cause characteristic neck and head pain.

To make electroencephalogramBy means of which the work of the brain is evaluated, obviously, it will not be superfluous.

It is also necessary to diagnose vision, measuring intraocular pressure. Vision problems cause overloading of the sensory apparatus and can also cause discomfort and pains in the neck and head.

The performed diagnostics will help the specialists to determine as accurately as possible why there is pain in the neck and head. After the diagnosis, you can proceed directly to the treatment of the disease.

How to get rid of neck and head pains: methods of treatment

We can relieve neck pain if review our daily menu, enriching it with useful elements that are contained in fatty fish varieties. These elements strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to infections.

You can also do the following exercise to help relieve pain symptoms. relax neck muscles. So, take a chair with the back and sit on it, keeping the body straight. Then clasp your head with your hands, putting your thumbs on your cheekbones, and leaning the rest of your fingers against the back of your head. Now tilt your head back, but at the same time hold it with your hands to resist. Stay in this position for a few seconds, and then relax and lean against the back of the chair. Exercise should be repeated often to get the desired result.

And, of course, there is a huge variety of different pills and ointments that can remove (at least temporarily) pain syndrome. However, no ointment will not replace a visit to the doctor! Only by establishing an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct comprehensive treatment. It will eliminate the causes of why there is pain in the neck and in the head.

Now let's talk about the specific methods of treatment that your doctor can prescribe.

The basis of drug treatment is usually painkillers. To enhance the effect of prescribed drugs and other groups.

In case of pain caused by serious neck injuries, orthopedic treatments are used, in particular Collar Chance. Its soft version partially supports the neck and allows you to form a correct posture. The hard collar completely fixes and immobilizes the cervical region.

Reflexology also used to treat headaches and neck pains. Positive therapeutic effect is provided by modern methods of exposure to electric current.

An effective physiotherapeutic method to help relieve neck pain is low level laser use. Bundles of infrared or ultraviolet spectra relieve inflammation and eliminate pain, affecting the affected areas.

An effective remedy is also a physiotherapy treatment method called phonophoresis. It successfully combines the effects of ultrasound with special medications.

MassotherapyOf course, it can also help. After a few pleasant sessions, the pain symptoms may disappear.

Certain physical therapy exercisesappointed by the physiotherapist

Proper professional selection of treatment methods is the work of specialists. The task of the patient is to strictly follow them, and then the question of why the pain of the neck and head arises will cease to be relevant.

Prevention of neck and head pain

Headache and neck pain is better to prevent than to struggle with them for a long time and painfully. For this you need to follow at least the most simple rules.

Office workers can not sit at a computer without a break, even if the work is urgent or suddenly found inspiration. Rest every 15 minutes - this is not a whim of the labor protection department, but a physiological necessity.

Correct motor mode occupies an important place in the prevention of pain in the neck and head. So, walking activates the respiratory system, stimulates the muscles and improves digestion.

It will be very useful and regular morning workout. The same applies to periodic exercises in the gym, as well as visits to the pool or fitness club a couple of times a week. Experts especially recommend swimming: thanks to him intervertebral discs are straightened and joints are restored. When a person swims, all muscle groups are involved, which is very useful for maintaining a healthy spine.

In addition, to finally leave in the past sad thoughts about why the neck and head ache, it is necessary:

• prevent jumps and falls from a height, even if you have been climbing for a long time or have been riding a horse for many years.

• try to change the position of the body every 15-20 minutes (this is especially true when sedentary work).

• maintain correct posture.

• try not to lift sharply.

• Do not save on shoes: it should be comfortable and not limit movement. High heels are beautiful and sexy, but should not get carried away.

• take a contrast shower.

• quit bad habits. And it's not only about smoking and alcohol: it is also better to limit the consumption of sugar, salt and coffee.

• monitor your emotional state, avoid stressful situations and scandals.

The fact that every person should take care of their health is an axiom. However, many people remember this only when certain problems have already appeared.

This article makes it clear that you need to be very careful about your head and neck. Then the problems with them will remain in the past.


Watch the video: Can nerve problems cause headaches ? Health and Life (June 2024).