How to create lighting for indoor plants


This article is a popular talk about how to take care of proper lighting for indoor plants, as well as what your flowers can tell you if they are uncomfortable.

Probably not to find now an apartment in which flowers would not stand on a narrow windowsill. Indeed, indoor plants have become so firmly established in our lives that sometimes we do not even think about the need for proper care. Today I want to tell you a little about the right lighting. Adhere to simple recommendations is very important, because then your indoor plants will delight you with new green leaves, and some even in gratitude will bloom.

Different indoor plants have different lighting requirements. Many of us already know the standard classification, dividing plants into those who prefer light, partial shade and shadow.

The amount of light in the room is directly dependent on where the window goes. However, other factors, such as a huge and fluffy tree or a nearby neighboring house, can affect the degree of illumination. Photophilous plants are traditionally placed on the southern windows. Those plants that prefer partial shade - on the western or eastern, and lovers of shade - on the north. If the presence of the most notorious "factors", it may even be that the shade-tolerant plant will feel comfortable and facing south.

And with the stifling and sun-filled summer days, even the most light-loving plant should be protected from direct sunlight. And in no case do not spray! Water droplets work like glass prisms - they burn through the delicate leaves.

There is an interesting pattern: the need for a plant in the light depends on how warm it is in your room. The more heat, the more light should be. The apartment is well flooded, and so little light. It is because of this that many plants die in the winter.

Lighting in the room can be determined with a simple device - luxmeter, but it is unlikely that most of us are at home, so you have to take a closer look at the plants more closely.

What signals will the plant give if it lacks light?

The growth of the plant, which lacks the sun, slows down, the distance between new leaves and shoots increases, and the stem becomes thinner, the buds do not develop to the end and die, and the motley leaves become just green.

The easiest solution is to move the pot closer to the window. But if you move wide and heavy curtains aside and wipe the windows more often, more light will penetrate the room. In addition, it will not be superfluous to wipe the leaves with a soft sponge and spray the leaves with warm water. This will save them from dust, which, by the way, also interferes with the penetration of light. Of course, this is better not to do with violets and various succulents.

What happens if the light for the plant in abundance?

The brightest indicator is leaf burns. But there are other signs: some species twist the leaves into a tube along the central vein, others wilt, although the ground is damp enough, some others turn yellow at the edges, and then fall off completely.

The solution in this case is quite simple: move the flower further away from the light source. It will not be superfluous to lower the blinds in the midday heat to protect delicate plants.

It should be warned that some plants are conservative about their "place of residence." For example, hybrids Schlumbergers lose buds or flowers, if you change the degree of lighting or move to another place.

Should additional lighting be installed for indoor plants? Yes, sometimes it is necessary. For example, in an office setting. Phytolamps are ideal for this, the emission spectrum, which includes both blue and red colors. Models are designed for different conditions and, of course, for a different wallet.

Remembering the famous words: “We are responsible for those who have been tamed,” you can add only one thing: let your plants delight the looks of your family and your guests.


Watch the video: 5 Indoor Grow Light System Ideas. Garden Answer (June 2024).