Chinese diet: effective - yes, healthy - no! Strict rules of the Chinese diet: are you ready to lose 15 kg in two weeks?


One of the toughest diets for quick weight loss is the so-called Chinese diet.

It is unlikely that it has anything to do with China, except that it is associated with the miniature Chinese women.

Strict, completely unbalanced, low-calorie, this food scheme, however, is quite effective.

The basic principles of the Chinese diet

It is the mysterious origin of the Chinese diet that caused many of its options. One of them is the usual "Japanese", in which an unknown author replaced coffee with green tea. Other options are designed for five days, one, two or three weeks. The extremely meager diet throughout the "Chinese" marathon makes the Chinese diet very heavy and hungry. Only the most healthy and morally stable girls can afford such complex power scheme.

One of the most acceptable options allows the use of products that can be attributed to traditional Chinese cuisine. This is rice, fish, vegetables. The principles of nutrition for two weeks are as follows:

• on an empty stomach in the morning, drink a glass of water (hot if there are problems with the intestines, or cold if there are none). Breakfast - in half an hour;

• a complete ban on alcohol, salt, sugar;

• vegetable oil is allowed, in an extremely limited amount and only for vegetable salads;

• flour products, white bread are prohibited. Black and whole grain bread are extremely limited;

• permissible vegetables: lettuce, cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli), root vegetables (carrots, parsley), tomatoes, cucumbers;

• for refueling the dish, it is allowed to use fresh lemon juice;

• protein foods: white fish, lean meat (rabbit, chicken, veal, beef), egg;

• rice is allowed, if possible brown, and very rarely - potatoes;

• exclude carbonated, sweet, flavored drinks. Tea, non-carbonated mineral and drinking water are allowed;

• sometimes you can eat unsweetened fruit;

• no snacks! Strict three meals a day.

Observing the two-week menu, you need to consider that to consolidate the result, it will take at least as much time. I.e full weight loss cycle is a month of life. If you are ready to spend it with severe restrictions, the result will please: on a Chinese diet, you can lose from six to ten kilograms.

You can try to sit on such a diet first one week. If everything goes well, then you should decide on a second breakthrough.

Chinese diet: two-week menu

The first and second weeks of the Chinese diet are the same, so the ration of seven days is given. It is allowed to replace rice with buckwheat, but only if there is an allergy. Here's a tip to make a sad life without salt a little more enjoyable. Slice the onion for the salad with transparent rings and marinate in lemon juice. After ten minutes, you can season them with vegetables, it will turn out tastier.


• Breakfast: coleslaw without dressing (incomplete glass), a cup of water.

• Lunch: one hundred grams of boiled brown (preferably) rice, the same amount of chopped cabbage.

• Dinner: a slice of oven-baked white fish (150 grams) without salt and lemon. You can boil the fish.


• Breakfast: an incomplete glass of grated carrots with a spoon of vegetable oil and a slice of black or whole grain bread (can be replaced with rye creeps), mineral water.

• Lunch: a salad of cabbage, celery and carrots (a glass) with a slice of black bread (not more than thirty grams).

• Dinner: one hundred grams of boiled rice with vegetable salad (tomato, cucumber, onion slice), for dessert half a small grapefruit. Green tea.


• Breakfast: salad with unsweetened fruits: apple, pear, orange, persimmon, pomelo, kiwi (no more than a glass in a sliced ​​form), half a glass of squeezed orange juice.

• Lunch: boiled soy asparagus (150 grams), a slice of black or whole grain bread and the usual portion of a vegetable salad of cabbage and carrots (a glass).

• Dinner: champignons fried in a drop of vegetable oil (a glass of prepared dish), one hundred grams of boiled rice, green tea. At will - rye creeps or a dried slice of brown bread.


• Breakfast: brown bread toast, orange, apple, a glass of fresh orange juice.

• Lunch: three hundred grams of boiled asparagus, fifty grams of boiled rice, apple, mineral water.

• Dinner: boiled or baked potatoes (two small pieces), two hundred grams of baked white fish, a slice of black bread.


• Breakfast: two hundred grams of boiled brown rice (you can take half white), mineral water.

• Lunch: half a glass of rice or rice bread (two pieces) with vegetable salad (a glass), mineral water.

• Dinner: coleslaw with lemon dressing, rice flour cakes without salt on the water (or rice bread).


• Breakfast: rice and vegetable salad (Friday breakfast is repeated).

• Lunch: two hundred grams of baked or boiled fish (white varieties), a salad of a small apple and mandarin;

• Dinner: beef steak fried in a dry frying pan (you can take chicken breast or veal), a plate of chopped Chinese cabbage with a spoon of butter and a small slice of black bread.


• Breakfast: a salad of unsweetened fruits with prunes (about a glass of a prepared dish), green tea.

• Lunch: an incomplete glass of boiled rice with an apple and a spoon of honey.

• Dinner: white boiled fish, vegetable salad (total weight up to three hundred grams), rice bread (two things) or rice cake made by yourself.

In addition to replacing rice with buckwheat, other substitutions are allowed: for example, meat can be replaced with red fish, brown rice with white, and black or whole grain bread with rye creeps. In the early days of the Chinese diet you need to drink plenty of mineral water. If it "does not go", it is permissible to drink regular green tea instead of mineral water.

Tough chinese diet

A very tough three-week diet of this version of the Chinese diet is something prohibitively strict and heavy. Think a hundred times before deciding on such a mockery of yourself. In the end, there are other options.

• For first week breakfast, lunch and dinner consists of one orange, one egg and a glass of green tea. The author advises drinking water if you feel severe hunger. The first week is the most difficult. You can master it only on bare enthusiasm.

Second week softer. Meals remain three meals a day. Each meal consists of porridge boiled in water without salt and sugar. You can’t cook semolina, rice (white, brown, black), buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat and millet porridge are acceptable. We continue to drink green tea.

• Menu third week: non-starchy green vegetables stewed in vegetable oil. It can be zucchini, cabbage of any kind, green beans, eggplant. From drinks you can afford ... green tea!

A tough Chinese diet allows lose weight by fifteen kilograms. As they say, no comment.

Important points of the Chinese diet

If during the diet there is persistent depression, dizziness has begun, nausea and abdominal pain is haunting, intestines are broken, skin rashes appear, you need to immediately stop the diet and undergo a medical examination.

As for the strict Chinese diet, it completely eliminates the consumption of fat and protein for three weeks. This is a huge stress for the body. Plus, there is a clear lack of calories: there are not even thousands of them per day, and even less in the first week. That’s why you should be extremely careful returning to normal nutrition.

What should be done:

• during the first week, carefully add cottage cheese, kefir, fruits to the diet (literally in spoons);

• continue to drink green tea, occasionally allowing himself a cup of coffee;

• at first light meat is light: chicken, veal, rabbit, and only in boiled or baked form;

• all the hazards like smoked sausage and condensed milk - only three weeks after the completion of the Chinese diet, and then little by little.

You need to understand that such a sharp weight loss actually does not give anything good. Health can be seriously compromised, including reproductive harm.

As for the soft option, it also has disadvantages. So, the lack of salt in the diet, of course, is effective for losing weight, but it is fraught with disruptions of the digestive tract, kidneys, heart, liver, urinary system. The Chinese diet in both versions is strictly prohibited for people with impaired functioning of these organs, diabetics, lactating and pregnant women, adolescents.

Raw cabbage is not suitable for those who suffer from gastric diseases, so lyuli with gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis should abandon the idea of ​​losing weight on a Chinese diet.

There are some positive points. In two weeks of a strict diet, the body will get used to eating little by little, an extended stomach will return to normal, the need for sweet, refined food will disappear. Lemon juice, which you can season with dishes, is very healthy. It has a good effect on fat burning processes; with it, fresh unsalted food will seem tastier. Fans of the Chinese diet are sure that it stimulates the removal of toxins, so the skin tone will even out, pimples and inflammatory elements will disappear.

Highly important to get out of the diet. The process will take at least two weeks. The following scheme should be followed:

• during the first week, you need to add three to four tablespoons of cottage cheese for breakfast. If you really want sweets, you can add a teaspoon of honey;

• at night, every day, write out a glass of any dairy product: kefir, bifidoc, yogurt, acidophilus, fermented baked milk, etc .;

• The lunch and dinner menus should be preserved, replacing some of the products with others: rice - buckwheat, cabbage - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions. Together with lemon, they can be seasoned with a spoon of any vegetable oil mixed with herbs;

• in the second week of release, you need to add to the breakfast a handful of raw nuts: walnuts, cashews, pecans, almonds;

• You can eat up to 200 grams of meat and fish every other day. If the rice is tired, you can gradually include mashed potatoes, boiled pasta, lentils, any stewed vegetables in the diet;

• it is allowed to eat with each meal a piece of brown bread;

• In the third week, add light vegetable, chicken and mushroom soups to the diet. If the body tolerates legumes well, occasionally you can cook a vegetarian version of pea soup;

• from the second week you can begin to slightly add food, but without fanaticism;

• it is necessary to control calorie content, not exceeding 1200-1500 calories, otherwise the kilograms with such difficulty will say “hello”.

In order to maintain the result, you will have to constantly monitor the calorie content and quality of the products, switch to the principles of a healthy diet and give the body a feasible regular exercise.


Watch the video: How to Lose Weight In Less Than a Month (June 2024).