98-year-old prostitute arrested in Japanese brothel


Tokyo police closed an underground brothel in which exclusively elderly prostitutes worked. An unusual brothel specialized in the intimate service of senior citizens. It seems that the elderly Japanese prefer to have sex with their peers. The oldest employee of the institution was 98 years old. Against her background, the remaining "priestesses of love" looked like young girls.

Ten prostitutes from the age of forty to seventy worked in Madame Risako Yotu brothel. Surprisingly, the brothel brought its owner a good profit - about $ 250,000 annually. The services of prostitutes were used by men and women. The oldest Madame worker was the Englishwoman Mille Cooper. The lady began to provide sex services for money back during the Second World War.

The age of Millet Cooper is certainly surprising, although this case is far from the only one in the industry of “selling love”. In the fall of 2012, the oldest prostitutes in Amsterdam, 70-year-old Martin and Liz Fokkens, published their memoirs in which they revealed all the secrets of the oldest profession. Women have occupied their niche in the market and are still successfully working. Their specialization is role-playing games for older men.

It offers a whole collection of whips and other related paraphernalia. Interestingly, the sisters do not regret at all that they devoted their lives to prostitution. As they say, to each - his own.


Watch the video: Williamsburg massage therapist charged with prostitution (June 2024).