Curd apple pie - surprisingly easy! Recipes of amazing cottage cheese pies with apples; tender and juicy


Cottage cheese pies with apples - great pastries for every day!

It is suitable for breakfast, afternoon tea or just a cup of tea.

There are a lot of cooking options for such pies: open, closed, puff, jellied.

And all without exception are delicious!

Cottage cheese pie with apples - the general principles of preparation

The type of dough for the curd cake depends on the recipe of the selected baking. With the addition of apples, only sweet dishes are prepared. Cottage cheese can be added both to the dough and to the filling itself. Before using the product, you need to grind it well to get rid of lumps. If the cottage cheese is dry, it is advisable to wipe through a sieve, you can kill with a blender.

What else is put in the filling:

• eggs;

• sugar;

• vanillin;

• cinnamon;

• sour cream, cream.

And, of course, apples. They are mainly used raw, but some recipes require heat treatment. To peel the fruit or not, also depends on the type of baking. Sometimes the skin is needed to maintain the integrity and shape of the pieces. In some pies, the peel only interferes.

Recipe 1: Shustrik curd pie with apples

This name bakery is due to simple and quick cooking. The recipe for a wonderful cottage cheese pie with apples, juicy and tender. You can bake it in the oven air grill, in a slow cooker. We use a small form, with a diameter of up to 25 cm.


• 1 pack of cottage cheese (200 grams);

• 3 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 50 grams of oil;

• 1 large apple;

• 1 bag of ripper;

• 130 grams of flour;

• 180 grams of sugar;

• 1 sachet of vanilla.


1. Rub the cottage cheese with soft butter.

2. With a whisk, lightly beat the sugar with eggs and vanilla. We send to the cottage cheese.

3. Add the sour cream. Stir again.

4. Add the sifted flour and baking powder. Stir. The dough is ready!

5. Pour half into the mold.

6. Cut the apple in half. We take out the middle with the seeds, and then cut into thin plates.

7. Put the apple on top of the curd dough, fill it with the rest.

8. We put in the oven preheated to 200 ° C. Bake for about 35 minutes. Check for a dry stick.

Recipe 2: Royal Cottage Cheese Pie

Chic cake, both in taste and in appearance. Sweet, with a sour filling and an air cap of whipped proteins. To bake this cottage cheese pie with apples, it is best to use an oven.


• 480 grams of flour;

• 600 grams of sugar;

• 4 apples;

• 6 eggs;

• 500 grams of cottage cheese;

• 300 grams of oil;

• 1 sachet of baking powder.


1. Cut the butter into slices on a cutting board. You can take margarine instead, but good margarine with a fat content of at least 72%.

2. Sift the flour and baking powder. Combine with oil and rub into crumbs with your hands. Add 200 grams of sugar.

3. Separate the eggs into yolks and squirrels in different containers.

4. Add 3 egg yolks to the dough, knead well. It will turn out cool, but soft. We clean for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.

5. In the meantime, cut apples into slices. We take out the core.

6. Rub the cottage cheese with the remaining yolks and add 200 grams of sugar to it.

7. Beat the whites with the remaining sugar until a dense foam. You can add vanillin to them.

8. Form a cake. To do this, roll out a circle of dough and cover the bottom of the mold. We make sides of 2 centimeters.

9. We spread the curd filling, level it with a spoon.

10. Put apples on top.

11. This cake is baked in two stages. First 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

12. Then we take out the form, cover the apples with whipped proteins and fry until rosy color for about 15 minutes.

Recipe 3: Cottage Cheese Cake with Shortcrust Apples

A variant of a loose curd cake with apples, which can be baked in the evening, so that it will delight you for breakfast.


• 2 eggs;

• 180 grams of cottage cheese;

• 1.5-2 cups flour;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 handful of raisins;

• 1 pinch of salt;

• 150 grams of margarine;

• 2 apples;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 1 tsp baking powder;

• vanilla.


1. Rub the margarine with one tablespoon of sugar. You can use butter. The main thing is to remove it in advance from the refrigerator and let it soften.

2. Add the yolks and mix. Sift the flour with a cultivator and knead the dough. If unsalted margarine is used, then add a pinch of salt. If suddenly the dough is not going to heap, then you can pour a few tablespoons of cold water, we form a ball. Leave in the refrigerator while filling is done.

3. Raisins need to be soaked in warm water for half an hour, then dried.

4. Grind the cottage cheese with the remaining sugar, add sour cream and whipped proteins.

5. We take out the dough, with a rolling pin we roll out the base for the pie, put it in the form with the sides.

6. Put apple slices on it and sprinkle with steamed raisins.

7. Pour in curd cream with proteins.

8. We send to bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Temperature 190 ° C.

Recipe 4: Cottage Cheese Pie with Kefir Apples

Another simple and quick version of cottage cheese pie with apples. A feature of the preparation is the frying of the filling, that is, apples. You can bake in the oven or in a slow cooker. Pies with pears and other fruits, including dried ones, are similarly prepared from this test.


• 3 apples;

• 2 eggs;

• 1.5 cups flour;

• 1 tsp cultivator;

• 1 pack of cottage cheese (200);

• 200 ml of kefir;

• 100 grams of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons creamer. oils;

• cinnamon.


1. We clean the washed apples, cut into cubes. But not large, enough for 0.5 centimeters.

2. Heat the butter in a pan, add the prepared apples and fry for two minutes, make a big fire. Season with cinnamon. But not necessarily. Cooling down.

3. Rub the eggs with cottage cheese and sugar with a spoon until a homogeneous consistency.

4. Add a glass of kefir to the dough. It should have room temperature.

5. Introduce the flour and baking powder, stir.

6. The last add the fried apples. Stir.

7. Pour into the mold and bake for about half an hour. We set the average temperature in the oven.

Recipe 5: Cottage Cheese Pie with Puff Pastry Apples

For this cottage cheese pie with apples, we will use ready-made puff pastry. You can use a purchased product. But if there is time and desire, then we knead and roll it on our own. We do as it is more convenient.


• 400 grams of dough;

• 1-2 apples;

• 300 grams of cottage cheese;

• 40 grams of sugar;

• 2 eggs;

• vanilla, you can add cinnamon.


1. If the dough is frozen, then take it out and leave it on the table. Let it thaw.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl and immediately remove one yolk for finishing work.

3. Add sugar to the remaining eggs and slightly shake with a spoon.

4. Add the cottage cheese and grind together so that there are no large lumps.

5. Peel and cut the apple into thin slices.

6. Roll out a rectangular layer of puff pastry.

7. We spread the curd filling evenly, but only on half the layer. You also need to retreat from the edges by 2 centimeters.

8. Put thin slices of apples on the curd. In this pie, you can use apple jam or jam, but in this case you need to remove sugar from the curd mass.

9. Add a spoonful of water to the left yolk and beat with a fork. Lubricate the edges of the reservoir, cover with the free half and pinch.

10. Coat the whole cake on top. We make a few holes. If there are scraps of dough, you can dazzle the decor.

11. Put in the oven for half an hour, cook at 180.

Recipe 6: Cottage Cheese Pie with Apples from Yeast Dough

The dough for this cake is kneaded with dry yeast. If pressed yeast is to be used, then we just take it according to the instructions or increase the amount by 4 times.


• 0.37 kg of flour;

• 0.09 kg of butter;

• 1 egg;

• 7 grams of yeast;

• 130 ml of milk;

• 1 sachet of vanilla.


• 0.4 kg of cottage cheese;

• 0.1 kg of sour cream;

• 0.25 kg of apples;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.1 kg of sugar;

• 2 spoons of breadcrumbs;

• 1 piece of oil;

• 1 sachet of vanilla.


1. Combine warm milk with sugar and yeast. Leave to activate for ten minutes.

2. Add melted, but not hot oil. Following the eggs and a pinch of salt, add flour with vanilla and make a soft dough. Leave in a warm place for two hours.

3. For the filling, we prepare the curd mass of their cottage cheese with sour cream, sugar and eggs. We mix everything well, season with vanilla. We leave one spoon of sour cream to grease the cake.

4. We take out the dough, make the base of the pie out of it. You can simply stretch it in shape or roll it out using a rolling pin, and then transfer it.

5. Grease with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

6. Cut the apples into slices, spread evenly on the basis of the pie.

7. We place the curd filling on top.

8. Lubricate with a thin layer of the remaining sour cream and send to the oven. We bake at 200 degrees until tender. This is about twenty minutes.

Recipe 7: Curd Apple Pie Juicy

The recipe is very juicy and crumbly pie, which is surprisingly simple to prepare and does not require much time. It is better to take cottage cheese soft, without dry and hard grains.


• 250 grams of cottage cheese;

• 1 tsp food soda;

• 70 grams of sugar;

• 200 grams of butter cream .;

• 250 grams of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• vanilla.


• 4 apples;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar.

One egg for decoration.


1. Butter should be melted and combined with sugar, add cottage cheese, grind everything together. We put vanillin and flour, at the end vegetable oil and slaked soda. Knead. We remove in the cold, while preparing the filling.

2. The washed apples should be freed from seeds and cut into thin slices. If they are fat, they will not have time to bake. Sugar is simply measured, can be mixed with cinnamon or vanilla.

3. Roll out the previously kneaded dough on a powdery table. We form an elongated rectangle, put it in the middle of the apple.

4. Sprinkle sugar on top. Half the edges of the rectangle are cut into strips, bent alternately inward, simulating a pigtail.

5. Grease with an egg, bake. Ready cake for decoration is sprinkled with powder, but only after cooling.

Cottage cheese pie with apples - useful tips and tricks

• Cake flour should always be sieved immediately before the dough is kneaded. Enriching the product with oxygen will make the finished baking soft, airy and soft. A yeast dough on sifted flour will be easier to rise.

• Is the cottage cheese too dry? It can be used in the filling! But before that, you need to wipe it well and add oily sour cream. Or beat with her blender.

• Is the cottage cheese too soft or even thin? It can be put in a bag of cloth, hang and let the serum drain. The product will become much drier.

• Cottage cheese - a perishable product, as well as pastries from it. Therefore, the remaining cake is not recommended to be kept warm. It must be transferred to a sealed container or bag and put in the refrigerator. And to restore freshness and softness, you need to warm up before use.


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