The child is 7 years old


Child development at age 7 (what should be able to)

At the age of 7, the child knows the name, patronymic and last name, not only his own, but also his parents, as well as where they work and by whom. He knows in which country he lives, what is the name of the capital, he remembers his detailed home address and telephone number.

Distinguishes wildflowers from garden flowers, names several types of insects, birds, wild and domestic animals. Familiar with natural phenomena, seasonal changes in the weather. It has a good memory: remembers about 10 words he heard. Ready to repeat close to the text sentences, which consist of 8-10 words. On the go, he remembers simple quatrains.

The brush of a seven-year-old child has become stronger, he confidently holds a pencil, drawing various lines, making strokes, and decorating. His drawing, consisting of several objects, is united by a single plot. The depicted objects convey the exact shape, keeping the proportions. He can draw people, animals, vehicles, trees, flowers, birds.

A child can easily tie or untie shoelaces, ribbons, knots on a rope. It can fasten-unfasten buttons, buttons, hooks, put on, take off loops. Spins and spins caps and corks on cans or bottles. He can force a thread into a needle and sew a button.

The child can already determine the time by the clock. By seven years, he should know the score to 10 and vice versa. Some children think more. He correctly correlates the numbers with the required number of objects, compiles and solves problems in one action on addition and subtraction. It knows how to navigate - right, left, top, bottom, back, between, in front - both in space and on a piece of paper. Compares the value of numbers. It would not be difficult for him to determine which one is larger and which is smaller.

The child solves rather complex logical puzzles. It is able to select a logical series from a group of different objects or pictures, cutting off excess, not suitable in meaning or theme. It can combine objects according to certain criteria. And also make a coherent story from the pictures, building them in a sequential chain. Not only knows verses by heart, but also knows how to tell them expressively, with intonation.

Nutrition for a child at age 7

Proper nutrition of a seven-year-old child implies, first of all, providing the diet with all useful substances and trace elements, and not just a set of high-calorie foods. Often, during intensive growth, the child’s body lacks certain substances. Sometimes children have a desire to gnaw a piece of chalk. So the body signals that it is deficient in calcium.

Therefore, if parents noticed strange tastes in their daughter or son, they should adjust their diet by increasing certain foods in order to fully satisfy their internal needs. It is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of mineral salts, especially calcium and phosphorus, enter the child's body with food. It is in them that the body during a period of intensive growth experiences a large deficit.

The physiological need per day for a seven-year-old child is: fat - 70-80g (of which vegetable - 10-15g, other animal fats), carbohydrates - 320g (they are found in potatoes, legumes, sugar, honey, bread, cereals). The most important part of food is protein, as are an important building material for all organs and tissues. In the diet, more than half of all fats must contain fats of animal origin, because it is they (milk, chicken eggs, cheese, cottage cheese) that contain all the essential amino acids.

If the child has lunch in the school cafeteria, you need to ask him what they feed in order to diversify his nutrition. The daily menu of a primary school student must necessarily include meat, fish, dairy dishes, vegetables and fruits. The child needs to develop a habit of eating at certain hours. Then, over time, the body will produce gastric juice by this period, causing appetite.

The regimen of the day of a child at 7 years

In order for the student to have enough time for entertainment, leisure, and study, it is necessary to organize his day correctly. Then the child will be distinguished by good performance, appetite, health, will not overwork. Certain hours should be set for lights out and up, homework, and regular meals. In the daily routine, you need to find time to help adults, and to visit creative or sports clubs.

Afternoon should be distributed so that the interval between classes at school and preparing lessons is about 3 hours. The younger the student, the more his body needs to rest. Therefore, it is advisable for students in the first or second grades to leave daytime sleep on the daily schedule. And after it you can start homework. To perform which the student must have a specially allocated place. On the desktop, light should fall on the left if the child is right-handed, and on the right if the left-hander.

Lessons with a child at age 7 (how to develop)

Some students have learning difficulties. Therefore, they can be helped by presenting the material to be learned in a playful way. For example, using a homemade lotto. A rectangular paper sheet is drawn into 6 equal parts. An assignment is entered in each cell. It can be a word, a part of speech, a part of a poem, a mathematical task. For example, in one cell write 5 * 6, in another 12: 3, 24 + 9, etc. And write out the correct answers on separate squares (30, 4, 33, etc.). Children like that when they close the whole card, they get a whole picture out of small squares if they are turned over. You can immediately see from the picture where the answer is right and where not. It turns out, if any whole picture is cut into squares of the necessary sizes. When learning material is learned, tasks change.

If the child is behind the class, he has problems with counting, adding, subtracting, he can be invited to play in the store. During the game, he will be forced to count "money", take change, ask for prices, i.e. in a playful way, a schoolboy gets acquainted with numbers and mathematical actions.

It’s very difficult for some children to understand how sounds are extracted from a word. The child simply does not hear individual sounds in words familiar to him. Try playing with him. Namely, to do in words the replacement of letters. For example, whale-cat, poppy-varnish-cancer-tank, etc. So the child will learn material much faster and learn to hear the sounds that distinguish the words chosen by him.

Games and toys for children at 7 years old

One of the most favorite activities for children remains role-playing games. They help the child to master social roles, identifying him in various life situations, teach communication skills. Most often, children play in a school, hospital, store, mothers and daughters. It is advisable to look after them during the game, so that, if necessary, direct them in the right direction. For example, if the children play up, and begin to try on the roles of negative heroes - robbers, bandits, etc.

Seven-year-old children, as before, love to draw, sculpt, cut, assemble the constructor, puzzles. At this time, girls can buy a children's sewing machine, knitting needles or crochet hook and teach the basics of sewing and knitting. Boys, along with dads, can go fishing or drive a ball with their peers in the yard. Many children at this age attend sports classes.

Thirty, even twenty years ago, there weren’t as many toys as there are now. However, the children spent time interestingly. Let mothers remember the games from their childhood. For example, "Cities". Playing it is easy and fun. Someone first begins with the name of any city. The next player must name the city the word ends in. For example, Kiev - Voronezh - Zhytomyr - Riga - Anapa, etc. You can stipulate the rules of the game, and instead of cities to name any other words, professions, products or plants. Such a game will help not only to captivate the child, but also to increase his vocabulary.

Raising a child at age 7

When raising a seven-year-old child, one should not miss the development in a small person of such qualities as conscientiousness, a sense of duty, responsibility, which will be very useful to him in his distant life. Let your daughter or son have his own household duties - to water the flowers, wipe the dust, vacuum the room. Allocate a separate area of ​​work to him. If a child has worked conscientiously, he must be praised. If he tried to cheat, you should not scold him. It is necessary to explain in a calm voice that poor-quality work should be redone.

The child must be accustomed to anticipating the results of his actions. If he does not want to help, you can offer him a choice: either he cleans with his mother, and then goes for a walk. Or she waits for her mother to clean up her situation, but then there will be much less time for a walk.

The rules established in the family, which cannot be violated, are well accustomed to discipline. For example, to explain to a child that turning on a computer or TV is possible only with the permission of an adult. And in order to maintain order in the apartment, it is forbidden to scatter toys or things (adults include this rule).

Useful Tips for Parents

Many seven-year-old students, having fallen into a new environment, feel insecure. Shy, quiet children are especially affected. They do not participate in common games, they can not fight back and stand up for themselves. Often these children have low self-esteem, they are scattered, can burst into tears. How to help the child in this case become more courageous? First of all, parents themselves should try to instill confidence in him. You need to identify the strengths of your son or daughter, and daily focus on them.

To emphasize the exclusivity of the child in the family, you need to constantly repeat that no one can assemble the designer better than him, bake pancakes, sew clothes for the doll, tell an interesting story. It should also be recommended among peers. So that they pay attention to him, let him have some interesting thing in personal use - an unusual toy, telephone, doll, typewriter, etc. Both boys and girls can be given to sports. Exercising tempers character, makes it stronger. Observe the baby for a while. If the situation does not improve, then it is recommended to seek the advice of a child psychologist.


Watch the video: 7-Year-Old Football PRODIGY. Blaze The Great Highlights (June 2024).