Norway - holidays, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Norway - This is exactly the country that everyone who wants to see the northern part of Europe wants to visit. The Kingdom of Norway is located in the northern expanses of Europe, it occupies the western coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In the east, the country borders on Finland, Russia and Sweden, its western part is washed by the Norwegian Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, and in the north by the Barents Sea, but in the south by the North Sea.

The Norwegian kingdom covers an area of ​​385,155 sq km, which is home to about 4.3 million Norwegians, of whom 30 thousand are the ethnic minority - the Sami. The Sami population lives north of the Arctic Circle and has its own culture, traditions and language.

The main value of Norway is its natural resources. The unique color of the country is created by low mountains covered with meadows and forests, many secluded bays and picturesque fjords encircle its coast. Harmoniously located bays, clear lakes, magnificent waterfalls - all this rightfully allows you to call Norway - one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

Norway owns the Svalbard archipelago, the island of Jan Mayen, as well as more than 50 thousand small islands.

The state language of the country is Norwegian, in some regions Sami is considered formal.

The form of government in Norway is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is King Harald V. The country's national currency is Norwegian Krone (NOK).

Lutheranism is the state religion in Norway, but there are quite a lot of followers and other Protestant churches in the country.

Norway - the capital and major cities

The capital of the Kingdom of Norway is Oslo. It is the oldest capital of Northern Europe. Today Oslo is an industrial, commercial and port center of the country with a population of 550 thousand people.

The largest cities in Norway: - Bergen with a population of 200 thousand.
- Tronhein with a population of 150 thousand
- Stavanger with a population of 100 thousand

Norway - holidays and tours

One of the cleanest and most beautiful countries in the world - Norway annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world with its magnificent virgin nature, which with its restrained power can impress the most sophisticated traveler. Its white nights, majestic cliffs, blue glaciers, gorgeous fjords - all this seems to rest in Eternity.

Norway is the most visited Scandinavian country by tourists. Its diversity of nature, the preserved traditions of the Viking tribes and the best European royal courts, the ultra-modern cities that are intertwined with ancient architectural monuments, a high standard of living and excellent tourist infrastructure - all this makes it possible to turn a trip to Norway into a mysterious, intriguing world in which surrounded by the beauty of nature and comfort.

Norway is a country for true romantics. It does not have the usual tourist attractions and sandy beaches, but this country is a bright magnet that attracts tourists to its magnificent ski resorts. She intrigues with ancient legends about the Vikings trolls, the secrets of glaciers. A tour to Norway allows you to experience the unprecedented pleasure of fishing, as well as to see first-hand the unique creations of nature - the majestic beauty of the fjords and fill your vacation with amazing tranquility and harmony.

Norway is particularly famous for its ski resorts, which are recognized as the birthplace of skiing and represent excellent opportunities for improving the level of skiing. Norway ski slopes are some of the best in Europe. Most resorts are aimed at a family audience that prefers a relaxing holiday with a high level of comfort. Among the most popular resorts in Norway: - Trisil;
- Hemsedal;
- Geilo;
- Hafjell;
- Gala;
- Gausdal;
- quitfiel;
- Nurefiel.

The most attractive from a tourist point of view is the city of Bergen, which is a real "kingdom of the fjords." Norway is one of those countries that surprises, impresses and leaves only vivid and unforgettable memories from visiting it.

Norway - Attractions

The Norwegian kingdom is richly interesting, unique, ancient and beautiful. The main treasure of the country is its beautiful nature, but the pearl of Norway is the magnificent fjords. Almost the entire coastline of the country is deep bays sung in ancient Scandinavian sagas. Most of them are framed by non-erupting waterfalls with emerald water. The most fascinating trip to Norway is the sea fjord excursions. The most popular of which is Lucefjord
Stavangerfjord and many others.

The main tourist center of Norway is the Biogde peninsula, which is filled with museums and ancient monuments. The Spitsberg archipelago deserves special attention, the territory of which is unique natural reserves with rare polar animals and the world's largest bird markets.

Among the many attractions of the Norwegian kingdom deserve special attention: - Arctic Cathedral
- Oslo City Museum
- Gudwangen's Magic Caves
- Troll Road
- Castle Hill
- Cathedral of St. Olav
- Whirlpool of Saltstraumen
- Atlantic Marine Park and many others.

Norway - weather (climate)

Thanks to the Gulf Stream, coastal areas of Norway have a temperate marine climate, but the mountainous regions of the country have a continental climate with fairly cold winters and hotter summers. The northern part of the country is summer - a polar day, and winter - a polar night.

Average temperature in Norway: winter - 4;
spring + 5;
summer + 16;
fall +9.

Weather in Norway now:

Norway - cuisine

The basis of Norwegian national cuisine is sea food. Only in Norway you can taste the famous dried cod "clipfix". And, of course, gourmets all over the world know an amazing Norwegian dish - smoked salmon. A huge range of fish dishes is popular in the country, which is why there are so many fish restaurants in Norway.

Norwegian haute cuisine includes game, salmon, venison and partridge.

Extremely popular in the country and dairy products. Norwegians even believe that their milk is the best in the world.

We can say that there is a coffee cult in the country, 87% of the population drink coffee before and after lunch, with liquors and desserts. Among alcoholic drinks, Norway prefers Rignes beer, gin, vodka and whiskey. And the most famous drink in the country, which has gained great popularity among guests of the ski resorts in Norway, is “glgg” (grog).

Norwegian cuisine is very original and has its own unique taste, which will appeal to even the most ambitious gourmet.

Norway - interesting facts

Norwegians are an extremely wealthy nation due to their huge energy reserves.

Norway is one of the most expensive countries in the world. All goods and services in the country are many times more expensive in comparison with other European countries.

Almost any Norwegian, in comparison with other Europeans, is a mini-aligarch.

Norway has the longest road tunnel in the world - Laerdal.

It is also interesting that 10 thousand years ago, Norway was completely frozen from all sides by ice.

Norway - visa application

The Kingdom of Norway is on the list of Schengen countries. Citizens of Russia to visit this country require registration of one of the types of visas: - tourist;
- business;
- transit;
- guest;
- working.

The period for consideration of documents for a visa to Norway, as a rule, is 10 working days.

Norway - Embassy

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway in Moscow is located on ul. Povarskaya, 7
phone: +7 (495) 933 14 10 fax: +7 495 933 14 11

Map of Norway


Watch the video: 30 Things to do in Oslo, Norway (June 2024).