Cutlet in the test - they delight us together! Recipes of cutlets in pastry in the oven and in the pan, natural and with fillings


The cutlet is tasty in itself, and if it is in the dough, then such a dish is doubly happy.

It can be prepared in a variety of ways.

And every housewife can find the perfect recipe for herself.

Indulge in delicious patties in the dough?

Cutlet in the test - general principles of preparation

For cutlets, you can use minced meat from any meat or poultry. It tastes better from a mixture. Add onion and garlic to the cutlet mass, put greens, spices, bread or semolina. Often they use an egg for a fortress. You can use ready-to-cook foods purchased at the store. Products are fried in a pan or brought to a semi-finished in the oven, and then wrapped in dough. But there are recipes that use raw meatballs.

The dough is traditionally used yeast, it is kneading on water or milk. But more and more recipes appear using ready-made puff pastry or any other. You can cook cutlets from potato or cottage cheese dough. Formed products are baked in the oven or fried in a pan. There are universal recipes in which products can be fried or baked.

Recipe 1: Cutlets in the test "School"

The recipe for all the familiar cutlets in the dough from the school cafeteria. But the home version is much tastier, juicier and more aromatic. Any meat is used for minced meat, but you can take the mixture.


• 250 ml of water;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 2.5 cups flour;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 1 tsp yeast

• 3 tablespoons of oil.

For cutlets:

• 0.6 kg of meat or minced meat;

• 0.15 kg of onions;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 slices of bread;

• 0.5 cups of milk;

• spices.


1. We dilute sugar with yeast in warm water, add a glass of flour and leave for half an hour. Then put the salt and the rest of the flour. In the process of kneading the dough, add vegetable oil. We form a soft, but not liquid lump. Leave for another 1.5 hours.

2. Pour milk slices of bread, let stand.

3. Add minced onions, swollen bread to the minced meat, put the garlic and salt and pepper. We thoroughly knead the mass and beat off.

4. We form oblong cutlets from minced meat weighing 80-90 grams. Fry on both sides in a pan. You can not panic in anything.

5. We take out the dough and divide into pieces a little larger than a chicken egg. Stretch the rectangle and wrap the patty so that the ends remain open. We pinch the dough well so that it does not creep out during the frying process.

6. Heat the oil and fry the products until the dough is rosy. Take out on paper towels to remove excess fat from the surface.

Recipe 2: Cutlet in the test in the oven "Blush"

For the preparation of meatballs in pastry in the oven, you can take any meat using this recipe. However, if there is a favorite composition of minced meat, then you can cook it. A recipe feature is yeast dough in milk, which turns out to be very ruddy and tasty. It can also be used to wrap sausages.


• 12 cutlets;

• 0.5 kg of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 1 yolk;

• 50 grams of butter cream .;

• 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 10 grams of yeast;

• 250 ml of milk.


1. The dough is cooked in an accelerated manner. We warm milk well, but do not make it very hot. The temperature is slightly higher than that of the body. Add sugar and yeast, put 5-7 tablespoons of flour and forget about it for half an hour.

2. Add one egg mixed with salt to the dough. Pour the melted butter and add the remaining flour. We put it in the heat for another thirty minutes.

3. While the dough settles, fry the patties. They can be of any size, but give an oblong shape. Even if a semi-finished product is used, it is easy to do after thawing. Cool lightly fried cutlets.

4. We take out the dough and divide it into 12 parts according to the number of cutlets. From each piece of dough we roll out a long tourniquet and in a spiral we wrap previously fried products. The tips are tightly pinched and placed at the bottom. We shift to a baking sheet.

5. Let the patties stand on a baking sheet for about twenty minutes, then grease them with whipped yolk and send them to bake. Fry until golden brown at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Recipe 3: Fried cutlet in pastry (puff)

A simple and quick option for cooking fried cutlets. We take the dough for them flaky, it is possible without yeast. We cook cutlets with any meat. The number of products for 8-10 pieces.


• 0.5 kg of dough;

• 0.6 kg of meat;

• 2 onions;

• 1 egg;

• spices;

• 3 tablespoons of semolina;

• 1 clove of garlic.


1. Twist the meat with onions and garlic, add the egg and semolina to them. Season the minced meat with spices and mix thoroughly. We form elongated cylinders and fry in oil until half ready. We take out and cool.

2. If the dough is frozen, then get it in advance and let it thaw. We lay out the layer and roll out with a rolling pin.

3. Cut long strips from the reservoir, 1.5 cm thick, and wrap the previously fried cutlets. We carefully fix the tips so that the products do not unwind. This is especially the case when frying yeast dough.

4. Heat the oil in a pan. There should be enough fat so that the products in it float freely.

5. Fry the patties until cooked. We remove excess fat with a napkin.

Recipe 4: Cutlet in the batter in the oven with potatoes

The recipe is very hearty cutlets in the dough in the oven, which are made with mashed potatoes. It can be prepared according to any recipe or take the leftovers from lunch. We use yeast dough.


• 1.5 glasses of water;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 1 sachet (10 g) of yeast;

• flour.

For cutlets:

• 0.4 kg of meat;

• 2 slices of bread;

• 1 large onion;

• spices;

• some milk.

You will also need about 10 full tablespoons of mashed potatoes and one egg.


1. Cook the usual yeast dough. To do this, dissolve the salt with yeast in a warm liquid, add the butter and sugar and flour. Knead thoroughly and remove for two hours. After about an hour, you will need to knead the raised mass.

2. In milk, soak the bread, then gently wring out. Add the meat twisted with the onion, put the spices. We form small cutlets in the form of balls. We make 10 pieces. Fry in a skillet until cooked.

3. We get our dough and divide into ten lumps. Roll out a cake from each, put a patty and a spoonful of mashed potatoes in it. We pinch the edges. Can be made in the form of a pie, triangle, rectangle or envelope.

4. We transfer the molded products to the baking sheet and leave for 15 minutes.

5. Beat the egg with a fork and grease, bake. On average, it will take about 12 minutes at 190 degrees.

Recipe 5: Cutlet in Potato Dough

To prepare these cutlets you will need potato dough. It is not necessary to cook it in advance and even more so use the remaining mashed potatoes. You cannot put butter and milk in it.


• 0.25 kg of minced meat;

• 1 onion;

• 0.5 kg of potatoes;

• 1 egg;

• 80 grams of sour cream;

• 50 grams of tomato paste;

• 100 grams of flour;

• spices, oil.


1. Cook potatoes, cut into large pieces. Salt right away. Then we drain all the water and knead well. Cool slightly and insert the egg and stir quickly so that it does not have time to cook. Add the flour and stir. It should be a dough.

2. Stuffing minced meat with chopped onions and add spices. Roll up small round cutlets.

3. Take a piece of potato dough and make a small cake. We put a patty on it and on top one more such cake. We pinch together the edges and give a neat shape.

4. Fry on both sides in a pan.

5. As soon as we turn the products on the second side, fill with sauce. To prepare it, you just need to mix sour cream with pasta, add 150 ml of water and spices.

6. Tomim cutlets in sauce for 20 minutes. But you can put them in the oven and bake.

Recipe 6: Cutlet in the test in the oven "Balls" of minced chicken

These charming cutlets will also require puff pastry. You can use not only minced chicken, but any other. A feature of the recipe is that cutlets are not fried in advance and are prepared in the test from start to finish.


• 0.5 kg of minced meat;

• 0.5 kg of dough;

• egg;

• onion head;

• seasonings, you can also greens.


1. We immediately take out the dough, let it thaw.

2. Cooking stuffing. Add chopped onion and spices to it, stir. We form small round balls. In total, they should turn out 10-12 pieces.

3. Roll out the thawed dough and cut into thin and narrow strips. The more accurate and smaller the strings, the more beautiful the balls will be.

4. We take the previously formed raw koloboks from the minced meat and wind the threads from the dough on them in a chaotic manner. We send the resulting balls to the baking sheet.

5. Lubricate with a beaten egg and bake for about 35 minutes. We set 180 degrees, no longer needed. If you want to fry the balls stronger, then the temperature can be added up to 220 degrees, but only at the end.

Recipe 7: Cutlet in the Nostalgia Cheese Test

A dish from the Soviet food service. In the air dough there is a fragrant cutlet in which a piece of molten cheese lurks. Yummy? Not that word! We take any yeast dough. For each cutlet about 100 grams.


• 0.5 kg of minced meat;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• 0.5 bunch of greenery;

• 1 egg;

• 1 onion head;

• spices and crackers.


1. Make minced meat from twisted meat with onions and garlic, add egg white to it. We leave the yolk for lubrication. Pour spices and stir.

2. Cheese cut into cubes and chopped herbs.

3. Form small and oblong cutlets, put the cheese filling inside. Spread on a baking sheet and bake at 200 degrees a quarter of an hour. We get out and cool a little.

4. Cut the dough into pieces, each roll out long cords.

5. Wrap the baked meatballs in a spiral, as is usually done with sausages. It is not necessary to hide the tips; you can leave them open.

6. We shift to a baking sheet, let the dough rise.

7. The remaining yolk is mixed with a spoon of water and greased products. We bake until the dough is rosy at 200 degrees.

Cutlet in the test - useful tips and tricks

• Left dough and not enough cutlets? You can wrap sausages in it, slices of sausage, make a pie with any filling, or just make a crumpet. In any case, home baked goods will not be lost.

• Do not use large cutlets for wrapping in dough. Otherwise, the baking will be large in size. If semi-finished products are used, then you can simply cut in half and correct the shape with your hands. Products will be small and oblong.

• Baked items will be beautiful and shiny if greased with an egg. But why do so many fail? In fact, it is better to use only the yolk, you can dilute it with water. Protein often rolls off the surface and forms ugly streaks.

• The dough will be beautiful and ruddy if you add granulated sugar to it. It helps toasting the crust and gives a warm shade. If you do not add sugar or put enough, the dough after cooking will be gray.


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