July 10: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays July 10th.


Holidays July 10

Day of Military Glory of Russia (Victory Day in the Battle of Poltava)

On our date, Russia celebrates a national holiday - Victory Day in the Battle of Poltava (the battle between the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great and the Swedes), which is considered one of the Days of Military Glory. In 1995, the State Duma adopted the Victory Day law, which established the most important victory dates in the history of Russia. For all centuries, the courage and heroism of Russian soldiers, the power and glory of our weapons have been an integral part of the power of Russia, its indestructible greatness.

The Poltava battle (battle) was a decisive episode of the grueling Northern War. It took place on July 8, 1709. Among the participants in the Battle of Poltava were Russian troops under the command of Peter the Great and the Swedish army of King Charles. According to historians, this battle received the status of the largest in the history of the Northern War. Its great significance was that it changed the course of the war in favor of the Russian Empire. As a result, Sweden ceased to be the primary military power in Europe.

Festival "Taste of Chicago"

The Taste of Chicago Culinary Festival is the largest culinary arts event in the United States. This holiday contest has been held annually in Illinois since 1980 and lasts about ten days. People from all over the world come to watch the grandiose "culinary show". Representatives of restaurant chains and other catering establishments, as a rule, take part in the festival. Even the largest restaurants in the country consider it an honor to receive an invitation to this culinary performance.

"Taste of Chicago" is traditionally held in the Grand Park (downtown Chicago) in the open. For the period of celebration, the park territory is decorated as much as possible, and for visitors all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay are created. The selection of dishes offered at the festival is grandiose. Here you can try such dishes that can not be found anywhere in the world. By the way, you can not only taste the dishes, but also see how they are prepared, stock up on a rare recipe. The atmosphere of fun reigns in the park, a variety of entertainment events are held, many attractions work. Guests of all ages will easily find something to their liking here.

July 10 on the folk calendar

Samson's Day

On July 10, the people honor the memory of the Monk Samson the Strange Receiver, who was the son of rich and noble parents. Samson received a good education and mastered the medical art. And then, by virtue of generosity, he was engaged in free treatment for all those in need. For good work, the Lord awarded the young man the gift of healing. According to legend, Samson cured the emperor himself by touching the palm of his sore spot. The ruler wanted to generously thank the miracle worker, but he refused and asked to build a stranger's home (a shelter for the disadvantaged) and a hospital as a reward.

In Russia, the saint was called Senognoy. And this was due to the fact that, as the people noticed, it rained very often on this day, as a result of which the hay got wet and decayed. In addition, according to the state of the harvested hay, it was decided to judge the future harvest. For example, if it is still green, then there will be plenty of buckwheat porridge on the table in the winter, if the hay is dark, it will be a millet crop. Today, men also took their horses to churches and sprinkled them with holy water. This ceremony was carried out before re-plowing the fields.

Historical events of July 10

July 10, 1925 - Beginning of the "monkey process" in Dayton against the Darwinian theory of evolution

On the date of our review in the American city of Dayton, a lawsuit began, called the "monkeys", before which the school teacher Scopes appeared. He was charged with the fact that, despite the ban, he taught the Darwinian theory of evolution. The initiator of this process was pharmacist Fred Robinson. In those days, Dayton's economy fell sharply, people left for more promising areas, and Robinson had the thought: a noisy business could fix the situation to attract the attention of the public, investors and tourists. School teacher Scopes agreed to participate in this process. Also, well-known lawyers and journalists were attracted to him.

They thoroughly prepared for the trial in Dayton. Many streets of the town were decorated with loud posters with the image of monkeys. The process was attended by about a thousand people. Journalists installed special equipment for broadcasting news on the air. As a result, Scopes was found guilty and sentenced to a fine of $ 100. Nevertheless, he did not remain at a loss, because after such a noisy business, the city treasury pretty much replenished.

July 10, 1941 - The beginning of the defense of Leningrad

German troops attacked Leningrad from the north and south-west, almost simultaneously striking in the Luga and Novgorod directions. The fierce battle for the city lasted a little over three years, it became the longest battle for the entire period of the Great Patriotic War, and for the several hundred thousand inhabitants of Leningrad it turned out to be the last. The siege of the city turned into the greatest tragedy of the century for him.

July 10, 1962 - The US launched the Telstar-1 communications satellite

Work on the construction of the satellite began two years before its launch into orbit. This project cost its implementers six million dollars. The satellite, resembling the shape of a ball, had a diameter of about a meter. Feeding on solar energy, he could transmit any signals (radio, television, telegraph, telephone, etc.) around the globe. On the same day, the first telephone conversation was made via satellite between a telephone company representative and US Vice President Johnson. In orbit, Telstar-1 lasted about seven months, and in February 1963 it ceased to exist. Telstar's equipment allowed transmitting simultaneously either 500 calls or one television channel. The equipment of the 21st century is already capable of more: today telecommunication satellites transmit about a hundred thousand calls and more than 500 channels.

Born on July 10

Camille Pissarro (1830 - 1903) - an outstanding impressionist artist. By the age of fifty, the artist had become a furious anarchist. It is hard to believe this, looking at his pictures full of heat. Pissarro's students became such famous personalities as Cezanne, Gauguin, Lucien, etc.

Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943) - engineer, physicist and inventor.

Harvey Ball (1921 - 2001) - an American artist who created a smiling face familiar to everyone. For his work he received about fifty dollars. By the way, Ball never claimed copyright.

Yuri Stoyanov (born in 1957) - People's Artist of Russia, theater and film actor. He began acting in the 1980s. On the set of "Anecdotes" he was honored to meet Ilya Oleinikov, who became a real friend to him. Stoyanov also plays roles in such films as Carnival Night-2, Silver Lily of the Valley, Alchemists, Hare over the Abyss, Hitler Kaput!, White Guard, Golden Key and others.

Name day July 10

Celebrate: Yuri (George, Egor), Vladimir, Alexander, Martin, Ivanna, Samson, Peter, Serapion, Lily, Amelia.


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