Shrimp in a creamy sauce - the perfect complement to rice and pasta! Shrimp recipes in a creamy sauce with garlic, onions, lemon, wine


Seafood is very easy to spoil, especially shrimp. Once they are kept for several minutes on fire, the tasteless gum is obtained from a chic delicacy. To prevent this from happening, you can be safe, for example, pour the clams with creamy sauce. It not only perfectly emphasizes the delicate taste of seafood, but also adds juiciness to them.

Shrimps in a creamy sauce - general principles of preparation

• Shrimp. Most often we find them frozen, but you can also find fresh ones. In the second case, the taste will be better. Clams before stewing in sauce must be cleaned. In addition to the shell, you need not to score about the intestinal vein, it runs along the back, it is unpleasant to see it in the finished dish. Shrimps are sometimes fried before stewing, this must be done at maximum heat.

• Cream. Fat content directly depends on personal taste, someone likes rich sauces, and someone prefers lighter options. In any case, the cream should be fresh, natural, without questionable additives.

• Additional ingredients. Typically, the dish is prepared with garlic, onions, broccoli, and sometimes other vegetables are used. A frequent companion of mollusks is lemon juice, sometimes wine and even brandy are added, such recipes are a little lower.

• Spices, herbs. All types of Italian herbs are suitable for shrimp, basil is especially well combined with them, but you can supplement the dish with ordinary dill. Black pepper goes well with seafood, which is better to grind immediately before cooking.

Shrimps in a creamy garlic sauce

It will take no more than ten minutes to cook such shrimps in a creamy sauce, but only if they have peeled shellfish. Otherwise, it will take a little more time.


• 250 g of shrimp;

• three cloves of garlic;

• 2 branches of basil;

• 20 g of cl. oils;

• a glass of cream;

• 4 peppercorns, salt.


1. Put the oil in a frying pan, melt, but do not boil.

2. Peel the garlic. Put two slices in oil, fry for a minute on each side. Grind the third clove.

3. Take out the garlic, discard and immediately pour fresh cream, bring to a boil.

4. Immerse peeled shrimp, sprinkle with garlic, stir and simmer for two minutes on low heat.

5. Chop the basil, prepare the salt. Add all this to the pan, cook another two minutes. Grind the basil so that large leaves do not float. If desired, take a few pinches of dry grass.

6. Remove the frying pan from the hot plate so as not to overexpose the mollusks, otherwise they will become hard and tasteless.

7. Put the shrimp on a plate with rice or pasta, pour garnish with sauce. Grind the peas of pepper, lightly sprinkle the dish on top.

Shrimps in a creamy sauce with cheese

For this sauce, you can use any kind of cheese, but for a homogeneous consistency it is better to take those species that melt well.


• 400 g peeled shrimp;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• 400 grams of nonfat cream;

• two tablespoons of oil;

• two cloves of garlic;

• a spoon of lemon juice;

• dill, salt.


1. Melt any oil in an ordinary pan, you can use a piece of cream or a couple of spoons of olive.

2. Peel the garlic cloves, crush the loan, no need to grind. We fry in oil to give the dish a light aroma.

3. Take out the garlic and immediately pour shrimp. Fry for a minute on high heat, sprinkle the clams with lemon juice.

4. Next pour the cream, take the product of low fat content, as cheese will be added. Let them boil, cook the clams for two minutes.

5. This time is enough for grating cheese. Grind, pour into a frying pan, but not a bunch. Distribute over the entire surface, gently stir with a spatula.

6. Add the sauce, let the cheese melt and you can remove the shrimp from the heat. We shift to clean plates or over the side dish, decorate with fresh dill greens.

Shrimps in a creamy sauce with wine

Wine for this dish should be taken only white and dry, no other drink emphasizes the taste of seafood.


• 260 g of shrimp;

• 60 ml of wine;

• 20 ml of oil;

• a glass of cream;

• 1 onion;

• 1 tsp Provencal herbs.


1. If the shrimp is in a shell, then they must be cleaned in advance so that the mollusks lie at hand.

2. Pour out oil, warm up. Cut one onion in large pieces, you can use a small head. Put in butter. Fry until golden brown, then remove.

3. Add refined clams to the aromatic oil. Fry just a minute.

4. Pour shrimp with white wine, wait until it evaporates. Since the pan is hot, it will take no more than a minute.

5. Salt the cream, immediately add the Provence herbs or just chopped basil to them, stir.

6. Pour the cream over the dish, bring to a boil over high heat. Quickly stir and remove the frying pan not only from the fire, but also from the hot stove.

7. Cover, leave for ten minutes, add black pepper to taste.

Shrimps in a thick creamy sauce with onions

For such shrimp in a creamy sauce, it is advisable to use juicy and tender white onions, the slices should not turn out hard or dry.


• 2 onion heads;

• 240 ml cream;

• 280 g of shrimp;

• a spoon of flour;

• spices;

• a spoon of lemon juice;

• three tablespoons of oil;

• basil for decoration.


1. We clean the heads of onions, cut into small pieces, put in a preheated pan with any available oil. Fry over low heat to make the onion soft.

2. Spread the peeled shrimp on a cutting board and sprinkle evenly with wheat flour. You can use a strainer.

3. Send the clams into the pan, fry for a minute at the highest heat.

4. Fill the dish with cream, immediately salt it, you can throw other seasonings to taste, pour lemon juice.

5. We warm everything together with the sauce for a couple of minutes, look at the readiness of the shrimp. Remove from heat.

6. Spread on a dish, use basil for decoration. You can chop a few leaves, sprinkle on top.

Shrimps in a creamy sauce with broccoli

Broccoli is often cooked with shrimp in a creamy sauce. The dish is not only very tasty, but also healthy.


• 150 grams of shrimp;

• 300 g broccoli;

• a glass of cream;

• 0.4 cups of grated Parmesan cheese;

• a couple of tablespoons of oil;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• pasta or rice for a side dish.


1. Broccoli to disassemble into small inflorescences, you can use a knife. Dip in salted boiling water, boil for a minute. Pour the cabbage into a sieve to drain excess water.

2. Heat the oil, put peeled shrimp on one half of the pan and broccoli on the second inflorescence. Fry foods together for about three minutes.

3. Chop the garlic and sprinkle on the dish.

4. Immediately pour the cream, cover the pan, stew the shrimp with broccoli for a minute.

5. Add half the grated parmesan, pepper, salt to your taste. Stir.

6. Prepare rice or pasta for a side dish, arrange in portions, put the clams with broccoli on top, pour over the sauce and immediately. While the dish is hot, sprinkle with the rest of the parmesan.

Shrimp in cream sauce with squid

Different types of seafood are often cooked together, this dish can be similarly done with mussels, scallops.


• 200 g squid;

• 200 g of shrimp;

• 200 g cream;

• 25 ml of oil;

• herbs, spices;

• half a lemon.


1. Scald the squid with boiling water, peel off the upper film, remove the cartilage, and clean the internal cavity from all that is unnecessary. Cut the mollusk into small pieces, you can julienne or squares, rectangles.

2. Rinse the cleaned shrimp, put immediately on the squid, pour juice from half a lemon, stir.

3. Pour oil into a frying pan with a large diameter. To warm.

4. Add seafood, fry until lightly crusted, make the fire strong so that the clams do not dry.

5. Combine the cream with spices, add a little chopped basil or other herbs, stir and pour the contents of the pan.

6. Stew the seafood in the sauce under the lid for no more than two minutes, then immediately transfer to the dish.

Shrimps in a creamy sauce with cognac

The recipe for a very simple clam dish with a minimal amount of ingredients. But in any case, it turns out very tasty and unusual.


• 200 g peeled shrimp;

• 30 ml of soy sauce;

• 20 ml of cognac;

• 150 ml cream.


1. Add shrimp to the warmed oil. Fry the clams over high heat until a slight blush appears.

2. Next, spray cognac, leave for a few seconds.

3. Mix soy sauce and cream, pour. You can just pour everything right away into the pan.

4. Cover, simmer the clams for a minute in the sauce and turn it on.

5. Add any spices and herbs to your taste to your taste, but you can leave it just like that, in any case it turns out very fragrant because of cognac and soy sauce.

Shrimps in a creamy sauce - useful tips and tricks

• Is the sauce too thick or not enough? You need to immediately dilute the dish in a pan, the broth left after making the paste is ideal for this. But you can use milk or any fish, vegetable broth.

• It is better not to remove the ends of the shrimp, with the tails the dish will look more interesting, more elegant.

• If there is no lemon juice. You can use any fruit vinegar, for example, apple or grape. They go well with shellfish.

• It is better to fry seafood in olive or butter, but it turns out especially well if they are mixed in equal proportions.


Watch the video: How to Make the Best Shrimp Scampi. Shrimp Recipe. (June 2024).