Andrei Malakhov may be dismissed from Channel One


Andrei Malakhov may soon lose his job. In his blog on Twitter, the TV presenter admitted that the press service of Sheremetyevo Airport threatens him and his film crew with dismissal.

The fact is that recently, in the First in the next edition of the program “The Way They Say,” the topic of death from heart failure of a young man in Sheremetyevo was raised.

During the transfer, a recording of the conversation between employees of the airport emergency room was heard, which makes it possible to conclude that the work of the various services of Sheremetyevo is monstrous.

Malakhov sharply criticized what he heard, to which representatives of the airport stated that the entry was presented before the necessary - first it was necessary to wait for the results of the investigation of the incident.


Watch the video: "Let them speak": Russian talk show about homosexuality English subtitles (June 2024).